Sunday, April 16, 2017

GK Quiz

1. Which of the following is the central bank of Bolivia?
A. Bolivia Monetary Authority
B. Bolivia Federal Bank
C. Reserve Bank of Bolivia
D. State Bank of Bolivia
E. Central Bank of Bolivia

2. Which of the following is the central bank of Botswana?
A. Botswana Monetary Authority
B. Botswana Federal Bank
C. Reserve Bank of Botswana
D. State Bank of Botswana
E. Bank of Botswana

3. Which of the following is the central bank of Bulgaria?
A. Royal Monetary Authority of Bulgaria
B. Bulgaria Federal Bank
C. Reserve Bank of Bulgaria
D. People’s Bank of Bulgaria
E. Bulgarian National Bank

4. Which of the following is the central bank of Netherlands?
A. Royal Monetary Authority of Netherlands
B. Netherlands Federal Bank
C. Reserve Bank of Netherlands
D. Netherlands National Bank
E. Netherlands Bank

5. Which of the following is the central bank of Kyrgyzstan?
A. Monetary Authority of Kyrgyzstan
B. Kyrgyzstan National Bank
C. Reserve Bank of Kyrgyzstan
D. National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
E. Bank of Kyrgyzstan

Answer & Explanation

1. E. Central Bank of Bolivia

Bolivia – Central Bank of Bolivia 

2) E. Bank of Botswana

Botswana – Bank of Botswana. 

3) E. Bulgarian National Bank

Bulgaria – Bulgarian National Bank 

4) E. Netherlands Bank

Netherlands – Netherlands Bank.

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