Friday, June 30, 2017

Reasoning Quiz ► High level

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following information to answer the questions:
Eight members – A, B, C, D, J, K, L and M – of a family are sitting at a circular table for dinner. Each member is sitting diametrically opposite to a member. Four of them are facing the center while other four are facing outside.
It is also known that:
(i) K is the father of B and he is facing the center.
(ii) D is sitting second to the right of M, whose spouse is C.
(iii) J is the child of C, who is sitting between his or her father-in-law and brother-in-law.
(iv) K is the grandfather of D and he is sitting next to his son M.
(v) Daughter of B has only cousin brother and is sitting next to A.
(vi) K is sitting opposite to his wife L and they are not facing each other.
(vii) J, who is facing outside, is sitting second to the right of C.
(viii) D, who is the daughter of A, is facing outside.
(ix) A is facing the center and she is sitting third to the right of J.
Question.1. Who are the neighbours of B?
1) C and J
2) C and L
3) C and A
4) M and D
5) M and A
Question.2. Who amongst the following is facing the center?
1) C
2) D
3) L
4) B
5) Child of C
Question.3. Who amongst the following is sitting exactly between J and D?
1) B
2) A
3) M
4) L
5) K
Question.4. Who amongst the following has a male sitting to the immediate left as well as right?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) L
5) M
Question.5. Number of pairs of members facing each other is
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) Four
Directions for question 6: Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follows.
BPOs are spending humongous amount of money on the accent training of its employees in English language. Yet, India as a BPO service provider is still challenged by the American accent of its customers.
Question.6. Which of the following can be inferred from the given statement? (An inference is something that is not directly stated but can be inferred from the given information.)
1 English is very difficult to understand.
2 American accent is unusual and funny.
3 You cannot understand a language if it’s not yours.
4 Americans make illegitimate demands on Indians.
5 Some BPO employees in India find it difficult to understand the American accent of the English language.
Directions for question 7: In the question given below, a statement is given followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
Give answer (1) if only Course of action I follows.
Give answer (2) if only Course of action II follows.
Give answer (3) if either Course of action I or Course of action II (but not both) follows.
Give answer (4) if neither Course of action I nor Course of action II follows.
Give answer (5) if both Course of action I and Course of action II follow.
Statement: There have been plenty of instances of dacoity and looting in many passenger trains this year.
Courses of action:
I. The railway authority should immediately deploy one policeman in each compartment in all the passenger trains.
II. The passengers travelling by train should be given training on how to tackle dacoits and looters.

Directions (Q. 8): Given below is a passage followed by an inference which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine the inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
(1) if the inference is ‘definitely true’, i.e. it properly follows from the statement of the given facts. 
(2) if the inference is ‘probably true’ though not ‘definitely true’ in the light of the given facts. 
(3) if the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e. from the given facts you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false. 
(4) if the inference is ‘probably false’, though not ‘definitely false’ in the light of the given facts. 
(5) if the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it cannot possibly be drawn from the given facts or it contradicts the given facts.
Between 2002-03 and 2006-07, Indian economy grew annually at 8.7% led by the services sector at 9% per year. In 1990, India’s share of services, at 40% of GDP, was consistent with the average for low income countries, considering India’s per capita income. By 2001, its share in India’s GDP, at 50% of the GDP was five percentage points higher, compared to the average for low-income countries. Economic reforms that energized the private corporate sector and technological changes that opened up new vistas in telecommunications, IT and outsourcing are believed to be responsible for the impressive performance. However, the services led growth remains a puzzle at a low per capita income, with 55% of the work force still engaged in agriculture, and when agriculture decelerated and industry stagnated – defying a styled fact in economics.
Share of services sector in India’s GDP has crossed the half way mark in early 2000.
Directions for question 9: In making decision about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ‘strong’ arguments and ‘weak’ arguments. ‘Strong’ arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ‘Weak’ arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
The question given below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the argument is a ‘strong’ argument and which is a ‘weak’ argument.
Give answer (1) if only argument I is strong.
Give answer (2) if only argument II is strong.
Give answer (3) if either argument I or II is strong.
Give answer (4) if neither argument I nor II is strong.
Give answer (5) if both arguments I and II are strong.
Should the Government substantially increase the tax on water supplied to the farmers for the irrigation of their fields?
Arguments :
I. No, the farmers are even otherwise hard pressed to meet their expenditure for cultivating their lands.
II. Yes, the rich farmers make huge profits, as the water tax for irrigation is considerably lower than otherwise.
Directions for questions 10 : In each question given below, four statements are followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Some grapes are apples.
Some apples are bananas.
All bananas are guavas.
No guava is pomegranates.
I. No grapes are pomegranates.
II. Some guavas are grapes.
III. Some guavas are apples.
IV. No bananas are pomegranates.
1) Only II and III follow
2) Either I or III follow
3) Both III and IV follow
4) All I, II, III and IV
5) None of these

Solutions for Question (1 – 5):

Answer.1. 1
Answer.2. 4
Answer.3. 4
Answer.4. 3
Answer.5. 2
Solutions for Question (6 – 10):
Answer.6. 5; Option (5) is the correct answer because the statement mentions that the BPOs in India are being ‘challenged by’ the American accent of their customers, which means that Indian employees find its difficult to understand their customer’s language because of their American accent.
Answer.7. 4; The problem mentioned in the statement is decoity and looting in passenger trains. Course of action I does not follow because it is impracticable to arrange for so many policemen. Course of action II also does not follow because training each and every passenger of every passenger train is also not feasible. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer.
Answer.8. 3; Data is inadequate.
Answer.9. 1; If the farmers are already meeting the expenditure of cultivating their lands with great difficulty, then it is a strong reason for the government to not increase the water tax for farmers. Therefore, argument I is a strong. Argument II is weak because it only talks about ‘rich farmers’. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
Answer.10. 3;

Reasoning Quiz

Q1)-Three persons A, B and C are standing in a queue. There are five persons between A and B and eight persons between B and C. If there be three persons ahead of C and 21 persons behind A, what could be the minimum number of persons in the queue?

Q2)-Sam ranked 9th from the top and 38th from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class ?

Q3)-Ashish leaves his house at 20 minutes to seven in the morning, reaches Kunal`s house in 25 minutes, they finish their breakfast in another 15 minute and leave for their office which takes another 35 minutes, At what time do they leave Kunal`s houses to reach their office ?
7.40 a.m.
7.20 a.m.
7.45 a.m.
None of these

Q4)-Ajay left home for the bus stop 15 minutes earlier than usual. It takes 10 minutes to reach the stop. He reached the stop at 8.40 a.m. What time does he usually leave home for the bus stop ?
8:30 pm
8:45 pm
8:45 am
None of these

Q5)-Anu and Vinay are ranked seventh and eleventh respectively from the top in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the class?
20th and 24th
24th and 20th
25th and 21st
None of these

Q6)-In a class of 42 students, Mahesh’s rank is 16th from the bottom. What is his rank from the top?

Q7)-In a row of girls, Nithya and Suganya occupy the ninth place from the right end and tenth place from the left end, respectively. If they interchange their places, then Nithya and Suganya occupy seventeenth place from the right and eighteenth place from the left respectively. How many girls are there in the row?

Q8)-Murugan is sixth from the left end and Prasanna is tenth from the right end in a row of boys. If there are eight boys between Murugan and Prasanna, how many boys are there in the row?

Q9)-Kanmani ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty ninth from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the class?

Q10)-In a class of 180, where girls are twice the number of boys, Rupesh[a boy] ranked 34th from the top. If there are 18 girls ahead of Rupesh, how many boys are after him in rank?
can't be determined

GK Quiz - Current Affairs

Q1)-What is the theme of the 2017 International Yoga Day (IYD)?
Yoga for Health
Yoga for Peace
Yoga for Healthy mind
Yoga for Healthy living

Q2)-India has signed a historical agreement with which country to promote cooperation in the field of archives?
South Africa

Q3)-Which state government has announced free education for girls in Government Schools and colleges from Nursery to PhD?
Uttar Pradesh

Q4)-The Lahugala Kitulana National Park is located in which country?
Sri Lanka

Q5)-Who will be the new Union Home Secretary of India?
Madhusudhan Prasad
Anand Kumar
Ajay Kumar Bhalla
Rajiv Gauba

Q6)-Who has been appointed as the new special secretary in Ministry of Ayush?
Ravi Kant
Rajesh Kotecha
Sajal Chakravarty
Parameswaran Iyer

Q7)-The world’s first ever data embassy will be established by which country?

Q8)-Who has been appointed as the new economic affairs secretary in the Union Finance Ministry?
N K Sinha
Ajay Kumar Shalla
Subhash C Garg
Kirti Singh

Q9)-The Bhawal National Park is located in which country?
Sri Lanka

Q10)-The 2017 World Hydrography Day (WHD) is observed on which date?
June 23
June 22
June 24
June 21

Reasoning Quiz - Based on New Pattern Questions

Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the following questions:

In a certain code language "higher we goes money"  is written as "ZX5%  YN2@  VT4& FX6*. And " Umbrella kite I satellite" is written as  " AF8@, SX1&, NK4%, LU9*.And  "John belong to America " is written as "VL2@  CA7*  LQ4&  NT6#. And " Sweet are necessary health" is written as " UA5@  LX3#  CT9&  UV6*.

Q1.What is the code for ‘school’ in the given code language?
(a)  CX3#
(b) LU9$
(c) FH6%
(d) KQ7*
(e)None of these

Q2.What is the code for ‘Money Required’ in the given code language?
(a) ZX6@   KL8*
(b) WE7@   UY8*
(c) JH8#  LK5%
(d) PW8%  DJ9#
(e)None of these

Q3.What may be the possible code for ‘do your job’ in the given code language?
(a) QW6#  LQ2@  XB4*
(b) UO7%   TF4#  QK6*
(c)  RT5%  QT8#  YG6*
(d)  VX2#   WE3*  QW4@
(e)None of these

Q4.What may be the possible code for ‘Student school’ in the given code language?
(a) GH6#  JH7*
(b)  TY5* KL9#
(c)  XD5@  HD7#
(d)  QT3# WU8*
(e)None of these

Q5.What is the code for ‘Kind Work’ in the given code language?
(a) PB4*  LZ3#
(b) YF4*  ZM4*
(c)  KW6&  QL4%
(d)  DJ4&WE7*
(e)None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the following questions:
In a certain code language ‘level of environment pollution ’ is written as ‘la na ka ta’, ‘cause of the factories’ is written as ‘di re sa la’, ‘the pollution level in city’ is written as ‘ka na di zo fi’ and ‘factories inside the city’ is written as ‘ha di fi re’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘environment'?
(a) ka
(b) ta
(c) fi
(d) na
(e) None of these

Q7. 'na' is the code for which of the following?
(a) level
(b) city
(c) pollution
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q8. Which may be the possible code for 'cause of pollution'?
(a) na fi sa
(b) ka sa la
(c) la ta di
(d) sa zo la
(e) sa la ha

Q9. What is the code for 'inside'?
(a) di
(b) fi
(c) ha
(d) None of these.
(e) Can not determine

Q10. What is the code for "Harmful Environment"?
(a) ta la
(b) ha ta
(c) zo ta
(d) ta re
(e) ta zx



The logic for all the above code is:  There is count of total letter in the word is consider for coding (in number like 1,2 or so on). And rest of the word include two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

1. Ans.(c)
Sol.  FH6%

2. Ans.(c)
Sol. JH8#  LK5%

3. Ans.(d)
Sol.VX2#   WE3*  QW4@

4. Ans.(a)
Sol.GH6#  JH7*

5. Ans.(b)

Sol.YF4*   ZM4*


Pollution/ Level= na/ ka
Of= la
Environment= ta
Cause= sa
The= di
Factories= re
In= zo
City= fi
Inside= ha

6. Ans.(b)
Sol. ta

7. Ans.(e)
Sol.Either (a) or (c)

8. Ans.(b)
Sol. ka sa la

9. Ans.(c)
Sol. ha

10. Ans.(e)
Sol. ta zx

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Reasoning Quiz - High Level

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following information to answer the questions:
Eight inmates – Kripa, Latha, Mishti, Neha, Pakhi, Rashmi, Shweta and Trisha – living on different floors – 1st to 8th – of a working women’s hostel are sitting around a circular table, not in any particular order. At least three of them are facing outside.
i. Mishti who lives on the 7th floor faces outside and sits opposite to the one who lives on the 4th floor.
ii. Kripa lives on the 8th floor and sits on the immediate right of the one on the 6th floor as well as the one on the 3rd floor.
iii. Latha sits second to the right of the one who lives on the 3rd floor. 
iv. Shweta and Neha sit next to each other and both are not neighbours of Pakhi. 
v. Trisha who lives on the 1st floor sits on the immediate right of the one who lives on the 5th floor as well as Pakhi. 
vi. The girls living on the 5th and 7th floors are neighbours of Shweta. 
vii. The girls living on the 3rd and 4th floors are sitting on the immediate left of each other. 
viii. Rashmi faces the same direction as Mishti.
Question.1. Who are the neighbours of Kripa?
1) Pakhi and Rashmi
2) Trisha and Shweta
3) Rashmi and Latha
4) Mishti and Latha
5) Neha and Pakhi
Question.2. Who sits opposite to Latha?
1) Mishti
2) Trisha
3) Pakhi
4) Shweta
5) Latha
Question.3. Who sits between Mishti and Neha?
1) Pakhi
2) Shweta
3) Kripa
4) Trisha
5) Rashmi
Question.4. If Pakhi and Mishti are related in a particular way and Rashmi and Shweta are also related in the same way then from the options given below select another pair of girls who are related in the same way.
1) Latha and Mishti
2) Rashmi and Trisha
3) Kripa and Shweta
4) Neha and Pakhi
5) Kripa and Neha
Question.5. If the girls are made to sit in the clockwise direction starting from Kripa, according to the order in which their names are arranged in English alphabet then how many places remain unchanged?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) Five
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two digit numbers).
Input : tall 48 13 rise alt 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn
Step I : 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn alt
Step II : 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 56 alt barn
Step III : 32 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 wise jar 56 alt barn high
Step IV : 48 32 28 13 tall rise 99 76 wise 56 alt barn high jar
Step V : 56 48 32 28 13 tall 99 76 wise alt barn high jar rise
Step VI : 76 56 48 32 28 13 99 wise alt barn high jar rise tall
Step VII : 99 76 56 48 32 28 13 alt barn high jar rise tall wise
and Step VII is the last step of the above input, as the desired arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92
(All the numbers are two digit numbers).
Question.6. Which step number is the following output?
32 27 14 84 why sit not 51 vain 92 68 feet best ink
1) Step V
2) Step VI
3) Step IV
4) Step III
5) There is no such step
Question.7. Which word/number would be at 5th position from the right in Step V?
1) 14
2) 92
3) feet
4) best
5) why
Question.8. How many elements (words or numbers) are there between ‘feet’ and ’32’ as they appear in the last step of the output?
1) One
2) Three
3) Four
4) Five
5) Seven
Question.9. Which of the following represents the position of ‘why’ in the fourth step?
1) Eighth from the left
2) Fifth from the right
3) Sixth from the left
4) Fifth from the left
5) Seventh from the left
Question.10. Which of the following statements is/are not true about the position of word ‘ink’ in sixth step?
I. Fifth from the right
II. Eleventh from the left
III. Exactly between the words ‘vain’ and ‘not’
1) I only
2) II only
3) Both I and II
4) Both I and III
5) All I, II and III

Solutions for Question (1 – 5):

Answer.1. 1
Answer.2. 4
Answer.3. 4
Answer.4. 3
Answer.5. 2
Solutions for Question (6 – 10):
After careful analysis of the given input and various steps of rearrangement it is evident that in each step one number and one word are rearranged. The lowest number is moved to the left end while the word which will come first in alphabetical order is moved to the right end. The procedure is continued till all the numbers and words get rearranged accordingly.
Input : 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92
Step I : 14 84 why sit 32 not ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92 best
Step II : 27 14 84 why sit 32 not ink 51 vain 68 92 best feet
Step III : 32 27 14 84 why sit not 51 vain 68 92 best feet ink
Step IV : 51 32 27 14 84 why sit vain 68 92 best feet ink not
Step V : 68 51 32 27 14 84 why vain 92 best feet ink not sit
Step VI : 84 68 51 32 27 14 why 92 best feet ink not sit vain
Step VII : 92 84 68 51 32 27 14 best feet ink not sit vain why
Answer.6. 5; Hence, there is no such step.
Answer.7. 4; The word ‘best’ is at the fifth position from the right in Step V.
Answer.8. 2; There are three elements – 27, 14 and best – between ‘feet’ and ’32’ in the last step of the output.
Answer.9. 3; The word ‘why’ is sixth from the left and ninth from the right in the Step IV.
Answer.10. 2