Monday, May 7, 2018

Reasoning Quiz - Blood Relations

Q1)-In a joint family , there are mother , 3 married sons and one unmarried daughter. Of the sons , two have 2 daughters each and one has son. How many female members are there in the family ?

Q2)-If X is brother of sons of Y's son, then how is X related to Y ?

Q3)-Given that
1. A is the mother of B
2. C is the son of A
3. D is the brother of E
4. E is the daughter of B
The grandmother of D is


Q4)-A , B and C are sisters. D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B. How is A related to D ?

Q5)-A and B are married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the brother of A. How is Y related to B ?
None of these

Q6)-Deepak has a brother Anil. Deepak is the son of Prem. Bimal is Prem's father.In terms of relationship, what is Anil of Bimal ?

Q7)-B is the husband of P. Q is the only grandson of E, who is wife of D and mother-in-law of P. How is B related to D ?

Q8)-1. F is the brother of A
2. C is the daughter of A
3. K is the sister of F
4. G is the brother of C
Who is uncle of G ?


Q9)-A is the uncle of B, who is the daughter of C and C is the daughter-in-law of P. How is A related to P ?
Data Inadequate

Q10)-P's father is Q's son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the brother of Q. How is N related to M ?
None of these

English Quiz - Reading Comprehension

Directions (Q1 – Q15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Democracy was invented as a device for reconciling government with liberty. It is clear that government is necessary if anything worthy to be called civilization is to exist, but all history shows that any set of men entrusted with power over another set will abuse their power if they can do so with impunity. Democracy is intended to make men’s tenure of power temporary and dependent upon popular approval. Insofar as it achieves this it prevents the worst abuses of power. The Second Triumvirate in Rome, when they wanted money with a view to fighting Brutus and Cassius, made a list of rich men and declared them public enemies, cut off their heads, and seized their property. This sort of procedure is not possible in America and England at present. We owe the fact that it is not possible not only to democracy, but also to the doctrine of personal liberty. This doctrine, in practice, consists of two parts on the one hand that a man shall not be punished except by due process of law, and on the other hand that there shall be sphere within which a man’s actions are not to be subject to governmental control. This sphere includes free speech, free press and religious freedom. All these doctrines, of course, are held in practice with certain limitations. The British formerly did not adhere to them in their dealings with India. Freedom of the press is not respected in the case of doctrines which are thought dangerously subversive. Free speech would not be held to exonerate public advocacy of assassination of an unpopular politician. But in spite of these limitations the doctrine of personal liberty has been of great value throughout the English-speaking world, as anyone who lives in it will quickly realise when he finds himself in a Police State. Democracy should ensure dignity of the individual. It should also aim at the greatest good of the greatest number. The opposition party should oppose the wrong plans, policies and decisions of the government in power. The government should cater to the genuine needs of the people to make its position solid.
Q1. What is the government necessary?
1) To restrict the authority of a few over the rest
2) Because it is a prerequisite for the survival of civilisation
3) To bring the wayward to book
4) To keep a tab on libertarian tendencies
5) None of these
Q2. What do we expect from democracy?
1) The rule of a few be made conditional to the will of the majority
2) To evolve a rule of law
3) All rich and powerful men be annihilated
4) To work against the powerful sections of society
5) None of these
Q3. What did the Britishers not adhere to in their dealings with India?
1) The doctrine of the due process of law
2) The doctrine of non-interference of government in personal matters of people
3) The freedom of speech and religious practice
4) Both 1 and 2
5) None of these
Q4. Which of the following cannot be seen as a likely benefit of democracy, according to the passage?
1) Dignity of individual
2) Greatest good of the greatest number
3) Right to criticise the government
4) Elimination of unpopular leader
5) None of these
Q5. Which of the following is true in context of the passage?
1) Democracy is the greatest pillar of civilisation.
2) Democracy has been devised to subordinate personal liberty to communal liberty.
3) Democratic principles are practised with certain riders.
4) Democracy caters to the genuine expectations of the people even if at the cost of a few.
5) None of these
Q6. What is the implied meaning of “police state” in the passage?
1) The state or country which is ruled by police or military
2) The state which even resorts to wrong means in achieving welfare of the people
3) The state which permits no freedom of speech, press or religion
4) The state which permits no personal liberty to its citizens
5) None of these
Q7. In which of the following countries, in ancient times, the authorities used to physically liquidate the propertied persons to confiscate their riches?
1) India 
2) America 
3) Britain
4) Italy 
5) None of these
Q8. What message does the author want to convey through the passage?
1) Democracy is a bulwark against the authoritarian regimes.
2) Unrestricted liberty is the essence of a democratic set-up.
3) Personal liberty is an essential component of democracy. But it is not without certain limitations.
4) Police state and welfare state are not anti-thesis of each other.
5) None of these
Q9. Which of following, according to the passage, is not true?
1) In a democracy, certain actions of man are outside the purview of law.
2) Democracy keeps a tab on unrestricted control of government over the individual.
3) Our past experience is replete with the abuse of authority by those in power.
4) Personal liberty is not necessarily an alien concept for a police state.
5) None of these
Directions (Q10 – Q12): Choose the word which is the same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.
Q10. Subversive
1) destructive 
2) explosive 
3) destabilising
4) heinous 
5) malicious
Q11. Reconcile
1) harmonise 
2) balance 
3) recognise
4) rearrange 
5) recast
Q12. Doctrine
1) treatise 
2) principle 
3) theory
4) policy 
5) dogma
Directions (Q13 – Q15): Choose the word which is opposite in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage.
Q13. Exonerate
1) claim 
2) accuse 
3) revile
4) victimise 
5) forgive
Q14. Entrust
1) assign 
2) defrock 
3) discharge
4) entertain 
5) dispossess
Q15. Genuine
1) unreal 
2) subordinate 
3) sham
4) actual 
5) sincere

Q1 – 2
Q2 – 1
Q3 – 4
Q4 – 4
Q5 – 3
Q6 –  4
Q7 – 4
Q8 – 3
Q9 – 4
Q10 – 3
Q11 – 1
Q12 – 2
Q13 – 2
Q14 – 5
Q15 – 1

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Quant Quiz

Directions (Q1-Q5): Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
In a school having 6400 students, boys and girls are in the ratio 3:5. The students play Badminton, Table Tennis or both the sports. 12% of the boys play only Badminton. 22% of the girls play only Table Tennis. 24% of the total students play only Badminton and the number of boys playing both the sports is six times the number of boys playing only Badminton.
Q1. How many boys play Badminton?
a. 1020
b. 288
c. 960
d. 1708
e. None of these
Q2. How many girls play only Badminton?
a. 288
b. 880
c. 1536
d. 1872
e. None of these
Q3. How many students play Table Tennis?
a. 1260
b. 1232
c. 4800
d. 3600
e. None of these
Q4. The number of girls playing Badminton is what percent of the total number of students playing only Badminton?
a. 38.2%
b. 71.8%
c. 31.2%
d. 78%
e. None of these
Q5. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls playing both the sports?
a. 23 : 25
b. 12 : 25
c. 12 : 13
d. 25 : 13
e. None of these
Direction (Q6-Q10): What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following number series :
Q6. 6, 11, 32, 111, 464, ?
a) 2165 
b) 2205 
c) 2285 
d) 2345 
e) 2375
Q7. 3, 14, 39, 84, 155, ?
a) 236 
b) 258 
c) 264 
d) 272 
e) 278
Q8. 8, 12, 24, 60, 180, ?
a) 480 
b) 510 
c) 630 
d) 720 
e) 780
Q9. 168, 171, 178, 191, 212, ?
a) 243 
b) 247 
c) 251 
d) 254 
e) 257
Q10. 4, 7, 10, 11, 22, 19, 46, ?
a) 33 
b) 35 
c) 37 
d) 39 
e) 41

Q1 – Q5:

Q1 – None of these [(288 + 1728) = 2016]
Q2 – None of these [1248 girls]
Q3 – None of these [(1264 + 3600) = 4864]

Q4 – None of these [(1248/1536 x 100) = 81.25%]

Q5 – 12 : 13 [1728 : 1872]

Q6 – Q10:

Q6 – d [Series is ×1+5, × 2 + 10, ×3 + 15, × 4 + 20]
Q7 – b [Series is 1 + 1² + 1³ , 2 + 2² + 2³ , 3 + 3² + 3³]
Q8 – c [Series is × 0.5 + 8, ×1.0 + 12, ×1.5 + 24]
Q9 – a [Series is + 1² + 2, + 2² + 3, + 3² + 4……]
Q10– b [Series 1 => 4, 4+6 = 10, 10 + 12 = 22, 22 + 24 = 26
        Series 2 => 7, 7 + 4 = 11, 11 + 8= 19, 19 + 16 = 35]

English Vocab word List

Poise (संतुलन) : graceful and elegant bearing in a person (Noun)
be or cause to be balanced or suspended (Verb)
Synonyms - grace, calmness
Antonyms - dissenting, negative
Ex: He has a lot of poise.

Transitory (क्षणसाथी) - Adjective: not permanent
Synonyms - transient, temporal
Antonyms - lasting, permanent
Ex: Unfortunately, the homeless people can only stay in the transitory shelter for a short period of time.

Undergirded (सुदृढ़) - Verb: secure or fasten from the underside, especially by a rope or chain passed underneath
Synonyms - bolster, bottom
Antonyms - undermine, neglect
Ex: We will under-gird his consciousness and his dreams.

Flagged (पत्थर का टुकड़ा) - Adjective:  paved with flat stone slabs
Synonyms - abate, faint
Antonyms - enhance, improve
Ex: The garden has a stone-flagged patio.

Reckons (गिनाते) - Verb: establish by calculation
Synonyms - calculate, count
Antonyms - displace, cancel
Ex: I don't reckon his chances.

Persistence (सतत) - Noun:  the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
Synonyms - constancy, resolution
Antonyms - lethargy, apathy
Ex: The millionaire claimed that the secret to his success was persistence.

Plumped (भरा हुआ) :  having a full rounded shape (Adjective)
shake or pat (a cushion or pillow) to adjust its stuffing and make it rounded and soft (Verb)
Synonyms - abandon, collapse
Antonyms - ascend, build
Ex: I plumped my mother under a tree and walked around to take in some action.

Prudence (विवेक) - Noun:  the quality of being prudent, cautiousness
Synonyms - carefulness, concern
Antonyms - neglect, disregard
Ex: Everyone knows it is prudent to keep your car doors locked in a big city.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Computer Quiz

Q1)-Whenever we have to give space between the two words while typing on a PC we have to press a key known as
Space bar

Q2)-Editing a document consists of reading through the document you've created , then
Correcting your errors
Printing it
Saving it
Deleting it

Q3)-Which is of the following is NOT a famous operating system ?
Windows Vista
Sun OS
Virtual Box

Q4)-The internal allows you to
send electronic email
view WEb pages
connect to servers all around the world
All of the above

Q5)-What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account ?
Word processing
Electronic publishing
Web authoring

Q6)-Text and graphics that have been cut or copied are stored in an area called the

Q7)-A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
open source

Q8)-Junk e-mails is also called
sniffer script

Q9)-What is the default file extension for all Word documents ?

Q10)-.bas , .doc , .htm are examples of ?

Reasoning Quiz

Q1)-Arrange the following words according to English Dictionary
a) Banal b) Banana c) Banish d) Bandage e) Bandit

a , c , b , d , e
a , b , d , c , e
a , b , d , e , c
a , c , b, e , d

Q2)-Arrange the given words Alphabetical Order and choose the one that comes first.
a) Science b) Scrutiny c) Scramble d) Script


Q3)-Arrange the given words Alphabetical Order and choose the one that comes first.
a) Nature b) Native c) Narrate d) Naughty


Q4)-Arrange the following words as per order in the dicitonary: 1. Recollect 2. Remember 3. Report 4. Repeat 5. Repeal
1, 3, 2, 4, 5
3, 2, 1, 4, 5
1, 2, 5, 4, 3
5, 3, 4, 2, 1

Q5)-Which word will come in the first if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary? A.Grind B. Growth C. Great D. Grease E. Greet

Q6)-Which word will come in the middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary? A. Robber B. Rocket C. Random D. Restaurant E. Restrict

Q7)-Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that comes in the middle.
(1) Radical (2) Radiate (3) Racket (4) Radius (5) Radar


Q8)-Which word will come in the middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary? A. Cruise B. Crupper C. Crusade D. Crude E. Crumb

Q9)-Arrange the given words Alphabetical Order and choose the one that comes first.
a) Praise b) Practical c) Prank d) Prayer e) Practices


Q10)-Arrange the given words Alphabetical Order and choose the one that comes first.
a) Probe b) Proclaim c) Problem d) Probate


English Quiz

In the following questions, fill in the blanks with the help of alternatives given ▼

The (1) of co-education in India has been of (2) kind. In the Northern part of our country, there are a (3) number of co-educational schools.While in the Southern part, the (4) of unisex schools are more. This is also true for the rural India , where the rural masses are both boys and girls (5) together. The aim of co-education (6) is to provide (7) and learning atmosphere for the boys and girls under one roof. However, many people , who do not (8) this system of education, are of the opinion that this system is not (9) . They feel that co-education is a (10 ) phenomenon.











Quant Quiz

Directions (Q1-Q5): Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
In a school having 6400 students, boys and girls are in the ratio 3:5. The students play Badminton, Table Tennis or both the sports. 12% of the boys play only Badminton. 22% of the girls play only Table Tennis. 24% of the total students play only Badminton and the number of boys playing both the sports is six times the number of boys playing only Badminton.
Q1. How many boys play Badminton?
a. 1020
b. 288
c. 960
d. 1708
e. None of these
Q2. How many girls play only Badminton?
a. 288
b. 880
c. 1536
d. 1872
e. None of these
Q3. How many students play Table Tennis?
a. 1260
b. 1232
c. 4800
d. 3600
e. None of these
Q4. The number of girls playing Badminton is what percent of the total number of students playing only Badminton?
a. 38.2%
b. 71.8%
c. 31.2%
d. 78%
e. None of these
Q5. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls playing both the sports?
a. 23 : 25
b. 12 : 25
c. 12 : 13
d. 25 : 13
e. None of these
Direction (Q6-Q10): What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following number series :
Q6. 6, 11, 32, 111, 464, ?
a) 2165 
b) 2205 
c) 2285 
d) 2345 
e) 2375
Q7. 3, 14, 39, 84, 155, ?
a) 236 
b) 258 
c) 264 
d) 272 
e) 278
Q8. 8, 12, 24, 60, 180, ?
a) 480 
b) 510 
c) 630 
d) 720 
e) 780
Q9. 168, 171, 178, 191, 212, ?
a) 243 
b) 247 
c) 251 
d) 254 
e) 257
Q10. 4, 7, 10, 11, 22, 19, 46, ?
a) 33 
b) 35 
c) 37 
d) 39 
e) 41

Q1 – Q5:

Q1 – None of these [(288 + 1728) = 2016]
Q2 – None of these [1248 girls]
Q3 – None of these [(1264 + 3600) = 4864]

Q4 – None of these [(1248/1536 x 100) = 81.25%]

Q5 – 12 : 13 [1728 : 1872]

Q6 – Q10:

Q6 – d [Series is ×1+5, × 2 + 10, ×3 + 15, × 4 + 20]
Q7 – b [Series is 1 + 1² + 1³ , 2 + 2² + 2³ , 3 + 3² + 3³]
Q8 – c [Series is × 0.5 + 8, ×1.0 + 12, ×1.5 + 24]
Q9 – a [Series is + 1² + 2, + 2² + 3, + 3² + 4……]
Q10– b [Series 1 => 4, 4+6 = 10, 10 + 12 = 22, 22 + 24 = 26
        Series 2 => 7, 7 + 4 = 11, 11 + 8= 19, 19 + 16 = 35]

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Reasoning Quiz - (New Pattern Baesd)

Directions (1-3): Question consists of Five statements followed by five conclusions. Consider the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions does not logically follow from the given statements using all statements together.

Q1. Statements: Some moon is light. All light is sun. Some sun is green. All green is tree. No tree is water.
(a) Some moon is sun.
(b) Some tree is sun.
(c) No green is water.
(d) Some sun is not water.
(e) None of these.

Q2. Statements: Some air is fly. All fly is sky. No fly is blue. Some blue is white. All white is black.
(a) Some air is sky.
(b) Some air is not blue.
(c) Some black is blue.
(d) Some air is black.
(e) No blue is fly.

Q3. StatementsSome green is tree. No tree is water. All water is air. Some water is earth. All earth is stone.
(a) Some green is not water.
(b) All tree being air is possibility.
(c) Some stone is water.
(d) All air being tree is possibility.
(e) None of these.

Directions (4-5): 
In the questions below are given two conclusions followed by five set of statements. You have to choose the correct set of statements that logically satisfies given conclusions either definitely or possibly. Assume the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.

Q4. Conclusions: Some M is L. Some O is M.
(a) Some L is M. All M is N. Some N is O. All O is P.
(b) Some L is O. All O is N. Some N is M. All M is P.
(c) Some L is N. All N is O. Some O is M. All M is P.
(d) Some L is P. All P is M. Some M is N. All N is O.
(e) None of these.

Q5. Conclusions: Some P is not Q. Some T is Q.
(a) Some P is R. No R is Q. All Q is S. Some S is T.
(b) Some P is R. All R is Q. No Q is S. All T is S.
(c) Some P is T. No T is Q. All S is Q. Some S is R.
(d) Some P is R. No R is Q. All Q is T. Some Q is S.
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. In a certain code language:-

“have been exempted under” is written as-  “ OI#5  YW@8  FM@4  BV@4”
“ service of access to” is written as- “ PL@2  DH@6  GU@2  FV#7”
“levy which was introduced” is written as-  “ OW@10  BH#3  IS#5  FB@4”

Q6. What is the code of ‘electricity’?
(a) MB#12
(b) MC#11
(c) NB#11
(d) MB#11
(e) None of these

Q7. What is the code of ‘industry’? 
(a) OD@8
(b) OC@8
(c) PB@8
(d) OB@18
(e) None of these

 Q8. Which will be the code for ‘union government’?
(a) OM#5  PG@10
(b) OM#15  PG@10
(c) OM#5  PQ@10
(d) ON#5  PG@10
(e) None of these

Q9. Which will be the code for ‘department’?
(a) FX@10
(b) FG@15
(c) FG@10
(d) FG@20
(e) None of these

Q10. Which will be the code for ‘science’?
(a) XV#7
(b) DV#17
(c) DV@7
(d) DV#7
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the information and answer the given questions:
Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on separate floors of a 7-floor building. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them belongs to different cities, viz Noida, Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Kanpur, Pune and Puri but not necessarily in the same order. Only three people live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the one belongs to Pune. U lives immediately below the one who belongs to Delhi. The one belongs to Delhi lives on an even-numbered floor. Only three people live between the ones belongs to Pune and Agra. T lives immediately above R. T does not belong to Agra. Only two people live between Q and the one who belongs to Kanpur. The one who belongs to Kanpur live below the floor on which Q lives. The one who belongs to Noida does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live immediately above or immediately below P. V does not belong to Meerut.

Q11. Which of the following is true with respect to V as per the given information?
(a) The one who lives immediately below V is belong to Delhi.
(b) V lives on floor no. 7.
(c) V lives immediately below T.
(d) V lives on the lowermost floor.
(e) V belongs to Pune.

Q12. Who among the following lives on floor no. 3?
(a) The one who belongs to Meerut
(b) The one who belongs to Kanpur
(c) R
(d) V
(e) T

Q13. Who lives on the floor immediately above T?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) S
(d) V
(e) U

Q14. S belongs to which of the following city?
(a) Delhi
(b) Pune
(c) Agra
(d) Kanpur
(e) Meerut

Q15. How many people live between the floors on which S and the one who belongs to Delhi?
(a) None
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) More than three
(e) Three


  1. e
  2. d
  3. d
  4. d
  5. d
  6. d
  7. e
  8. a
  9. c
  10. d
  11. a
  12. b
  13. e
  14. e
  15. b