Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Computer Quiz

Q1)-________is collection of web pages and________is the very first page that we see on opening of a web-site.
Home-page, Web-page
Web-site, Home-page
Web-page, Home-page
Web-page, Web-site
Ans.- B

Q2)-____________is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web (WWW).
Both 1 and 2
Ans.- D

Q3)-Technology that transfer of information or power between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor called_______.
Offline Communication
Online Communication
Wireless Communication
Both 1 and 3
Ans.- C

Q4)-While browsing internet, what do we call the area of storage that compensates for the different speeds of data flow or timings of events by temporarily holding a block of data that is waiting to be processed?
Ans.- B

Q5)-As a person working in internet banking environment, why you should be aware of the “Dictionary attack”?
It is used to inject worms or viruses in the system
It is used to determine a password
It is used to access customer's account by determining other details
It is used for stealing info from credit card
Ans.- B

Q6)-Linux is an example of
open source software
Ans.- B

Q7)-Which among the following is a device , that is used in computers to add external components?
Storage Device such as USB
Ports/System Boards
Ans.- C

Q8)-How are data organised in a spreadsheet?
Lines and spaces
Layers and planes
Height and width
Rows and columns
Ans.- C

Q9)-What is full form of SQL ?
Straight Query Langauge
Structured Query Langauge
Structured Query Laison
Structured Query Linear
Ans.- B

Q10)-What is full form of ASCII ?
American Standard Code for Inked Information
American Standard Code for Information Inked
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Asian Standard Code for Information Interchange
Ans.- C

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