Tuesday, January 22, 2019

English VOCAB Word List ► 22-Jan-2019

1. Guffawed (verb) (ठहाका लगाना) – laugh loudly and heartily
Synonyms – cackle, snicker
Ex: After the comedian told a funny joke, he was pleased to receive a large guffaw from the audience.
2. Groping (verb) (तलाशने) search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands
Synonyms – search, grabble
Antonyms – leave alone
Ex: They are still groping in darkness.
3. Plummeted (verb) (घटी) fall or drop straight down at high speed
Synonyms – descend, collapse
Antonyms – ascend, raise
Ex: Her heart plummeted to the floor.
4. Unearth (verb) (पता लगाना) find (something) in the ground by digging
Synonyms – determine, reveal
Antonyms – hide, lose
Ex: This philosophy has been extracted from the depths, and unearthed by special seekers.
5. Proximity (noun) (निकटता)  nearness in space, time, or relationship
Synonyms – adjacency, concurrence
Antonyms – distance, remoteness
Ex: The proximity of the forest to the new subdivision means wild animals will probably be frequent visitors to the community.
6. Abrasive (adjective) (अपघर्षक) (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding
Synonyms – annoying, rough
Antonyms – moderate, smooth
Ex: After speaking with the abrasive doctor, I decided to look for a friendlier physician.
7. Rhetoric (noun) (वक्रपटुता) – the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques
Synonyms – verbosity, composition
Antonyms – quiet, conciseness
Ex: If someone does not stop the political rhetoric in that country, a civil war is likely to break out soon.
8. Demographics (noun) (जनसांख्यिकी) – statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it
Synonyms – enumeration, demography
Ex: The demographics of book buyers.
9. Alienation (noun) (अलगाव की भावना) – the state or experience of being alienated
Synonyms – separation, division
Antonyms – agreement, charm
Ex: The restaurant owner hesitates to change his menu because he does not want to alienate his regular customers.
10. Defiance (noun) (ललकार) – open resistance, bold disobedience
Synonyms – provocation, cartel
Antonyms – humility, harmony
Ex: The prisoner was defiant and refused to go back into his cell.

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