Thursday, November 23, 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Q1 – Q5: Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each such that they are equidistant from each other. In the first row P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing south. In the second row A, B, C, D, E and F are seated facing north.

S sits third to the right of Q. either S or Q sits at extreme end of line. The one who faces Q sits second to right of E. two people sits between B and F. neither B nor F sits at an extreme end of the line. The immediate neighbor of B faces the person who sits third to the left of P. R and T are immediate neighbors of each other. C sits second to the left of A. T does not face the immediate neighbor of D.

1. Who among the following sit at the extreme ends of the rows?
a. S, D
b. Q, A
c. V, C
d. P, D
e. Q, F

2. Who among the following faces S?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. F

3. How many persons are seated between V and R?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. None of these

4. P is related to A in some way so S is related to B in the same pattern. Which of the following is T related to in the same manner?
a. C
b. D
c. E
d. F
e. Can’t be determined

5. Which of the following is true regarding T?
a. F faces T
b. V is an immediate neighbor of T
c. F faces the one who is second to the right of T.
d. T sits at one of the extreme ends.
e. Q sits second to the right of T.

Q6 – Q10 : A, B, C, D and E are working in five different companies having different designations. Each of them is posted to a different city. Each person has a car or a bike. 

The person who has a bike is the person posted in City M. All the other four persons have cars. The four persons who have cars are, A, the person working in Airtel, the person who is working as Manager and the person who is posted in City N.

D does not have a bike and he is a Senior Manager. D was not working is Airtel. B is Vice President and She does not have an bike. E is not posted in City O, P or Q. But the person who is CEO is posted in City O and the person working in TATA is posted in City Q.

D was not working in Reliance. The person working in Reliance owns a Car. The person who is working in Vodafone, his designation is not that of MD. One of the persons is working in Idea.

6. Who is working in Idea?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

7. Who is working in Reliance?
a. C
b. D
c. A
d. Cannot be determined
e. None of these

8. B is posted in which city?
a. City O
b. City Q
c. City P
d. Cannot be determined
e. None of these

9. The person who is the Vice President is working in which Company?
a. Vodafone
b. Idea
c. Airtel
d. Cannot be determined 
e. None of these

10. Who of the following combinations is incorrect?
a. A – Reliance – CEO – City O – Car
b. B – Airtel – Vice President – City P – Car
c. C – TATA – Manager – City Q – Car
d. D – Vodafone – Senior Manager – N – Car
e. E – Idea – MD – City M – Car

Solutions :
Q1 – Q5
1 – d
2 – a
3 – b
4 – b
5 – c

Q6 – Q10
6 – e
7 – c
8 – c
9 – c
10 – e

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