Sunday, January 27, 2019

Computer Quiz

Q1. A computer is accurate but if the result of a computation is wrong, this is mainly due to
a. power failure
b. the computer circuits
c. incorrect data entry
d. distraction 
e. All of the above
Q2. Which one of the following groups contains graphical file extensions?
e. None of these
Q3. The smallest addressable portion of a disk is called a 
a. sector
b. track
c. i node
d. bit
e. None of these
Q4. Optical disks use reflected light to represent 1s and 0s, and thee 1s and 0s are represented by flat areas called ________ and bumpy areas called pits.
a. fields
b. tracks
c. lands
d. sectors
e. None of these
Q5. A package, which can be used for a short period before purchasing it is termed as 
a. try and buy
b. freeware
c. shareware
d. borrow-ware
e. None of these
Q6. MHz is same as 
a. 1000000GHz
b. 1000Hz
c. 1000000Hz
d. 1000000kHz
e. 10000kHz
Q7. A way of minimizing downtime in a system is to have _______ components that are very resistant to failure.
a. breakdown-resistant 
b. fault-tolerant
c. consistent
d. trailer
e. All of the above
Q8. A type of file label that identifies the contents of a separate data recording medium such as a disk to ensure that the correct disk is in use before updating is called a(n) _______ label.
a. external
b. internal
c. volume
d. trailer
e. None of the above
Q9. In which major piece of equipment is the highest residual charge stored?
a. The power unit of the system
b. The chip
c. The UPS
d. The monitor
e. The CPU
Q10. File extensions are used in order to 
a. name the file
b. ensure the filename is not lost
c. identify the file
d. identify the file type
e. All of the above


  1. c
  2. d
  3. a
  4. c
  5. c
  6. c
  7. b
  8. c
  9. c
  10. d

Reasoning Quiz - Based on New Pattern Questions

Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the following questions:

In a certain code language "higher we goes money"  is written as "ZX5%  YN2@  VT4& FX6*. And " Umbrella kite I satellite" is written as  " AF8@, SX1&, NK4%, LU9*.And  "John belong to America " is written as "VL2@  CA7*  LQ4&  NT6#. And " Sweet are necessary health" is written as " UA5@  LX3#  CT9&  UV6*.

Q1.What is the code for ‘school’ in the given code language?
(a)  CX3#
(b) LU9$
(c) FH6%
(d) KQ7*
(e)None of these

Q2.What is the code for ‘Money Required’ in the given code language?
(a) ZX6@   KL8*
(b) WE7@   UY8*
(c) JH8#  LK5%
(d) PW8%  DJ9#
(e)None of these

Q3.What may be the possible code for ‘do your job’ in the given code language?
(a) QW6#  LQ2@  XB4*
(b) UO7%   TF4#  QK6*
(c)  RT5%  QT8#  YG6*
(d)  VX2#   WE3*  QW4@
(e)None of these

Q4.What may be the possible code for ‘Student school’ in the given code language?
(a) GH6#  JH7*
(b)  TY5* KL9#
(c)  XD5@  HD7#
(d)  QT3# WU8*
(e)None of these

Q5.What is the code for ‘Kind Work’ in the given code language?
(a) PB4*  LZ3#
(b) YF4*  ZM4*
(c)  KW6&  QL4%
(d)  DJ4&WE7*
(e)None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the following questions:
In a certain code language ‘level of environment pollution ’ is written as ‘la na ka ta’, ‘cause of the factories’ is written as ‘di re sa la’, ‘the pollution level in city’ is written as ‘ka na di zo fi’ and ‘factories inside the city’ is written as ‘ha di fi re’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘environment'?
(a) ka
(b) ta
(c) fi
(d) na
(e) None of these

Q7. 'na' is the code for which of the following?
(a) level
(b) city
(c) pollution
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q8. Which may be the possible code for 'cause of pollution'?
(a) na fi sa
(b) ka sa la
(c) la ta di
(d) sa zo la
(e) sa la ha

Q9. What is the code for 'inside'?
(a) di
(b) fi
(c) ha
(d) None of these.
(e) Can not determine

Q10. What is the code for "Harmful Environment"?
(a) ta la
(b) ha ta
(c) zo ta
(d) ta re
(e) ta zx



The logic for all the above code is:  There is count of total letter in the word is consider for coding (in number like 1,2 or so on). And rest of the word include two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

1. Ans.(c)
Sol.  FH6%

2. Ans.(c)
Sol. JH8#  LK5%

3. Ans.(d)
Sol.VX2#   WE3*  QW4@

4. Ans.(a)
Sol.GH6#  JH7*

5. Ans.(b)

Sol.YF4*   ZM4*


Pollution/ Level= na/ ka
Of= la
Environment= ta
Cause= sa
The= di
Factories= re
In= zo
City= fi
Inside= ha

6. Ans.(b)
Sol. ta

7. Ans.(e)
Sol.Either (a) or (c)

8. Ans.(b)
Sol. ka sa la

9. Ans.(c)
Sol. ha

10. Ans.(e)
Sol. ta zx

English Quiz

Q1)-In each of the following find out which part has an error
Had I come (a) / to know about his difficulties (b) / I would have certainly helped (c) / No error (d)


Q2)-One of them (a) / forgot to take their bag (b) / from the school (c) / No error (d)

Q3)-Mr Sharma , our representative (a) / he will attend the meeting (b) / on our behalf (c) / No error (d)

Q4)-If the teacher is good (a) / the students will respond (b) / positively to them (c) / No error (d)

Q5)-Each girl was (a) / given a bunch of flowers (b) / which pleased her very much (c) / No error (d)

Q6)-As it was Ram's (a) first interview he dressed him (b) / in his most formal suit (c) / No error (d)

Q7)-Myself and Gopal (a) will take care of (b)/ the function on Sunday (c) / No error (d)

Q8)-Civil servants should (a) / acquit efficiently (b) / in the service of a common man (c) / No error (d)

Q9)-Avail every chance that comes your way (a) / lest you should (b) / repent in the long run. (c) / No error (d)

Q10)-There should be (a) / No misunderstanding between (b) / your father and she (c) / No error (d)

Quant Quiz

Q1. Bhavika alone would take 8 h more to complete the job than when Bhavika and Rita worked together. If Rita worked alone, she would take 4½ hrs more to complete the job than when Bhavika and Rita worked together. What time would they take if both Bhavika and Rita worked together ?
(1) 5 days 
(2) 4 days
(3) 3 days 
(4) 6 days
(5) None of these
Q2. If 36 men can dig a trench 200 m long, 3 m wide and 2 m deep in 6 days working 10 h a day, in how many days, working 8 h a day will 10 men dig a trench 100 m long, 4 m wide and 3 m deep ?
(1) 15 days
(2) 27 days
(3) 20 days
(4) 54 days
(5) None of these
Q3. A train can travel 20% faster than a car. Both start from the point A at the same time and reach point B, 75 km away from A at the same time. On the way however the train lost about 12.5 min while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is
(1) 50 km/h 
(2) 55 km/h
(3) 60 km/h 
(4) 65 km/h
(5) None of these
Q4. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/h and 36 km/h. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 s. The length of each train is
(1) 50 m 
(2) 80 m
(3) 72 m 
(4) 82 m
(5) None of these
Q5. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes
(1) 10% 
(2) 10.25%
(3) 10.5% 
(4) 10.35%
(5) None of these
Directions (Q6 – Q10): In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out that number.
Q6. 2 12 36 81 150 252
(1) 2 
(2) 81 
(3) 36 
(4) 150 
(5) 252
Q7. 5 16 27 44 65 90
(1) 16 
(2) 5 
(3) 44 
(4) 65 
(5) 90
Q8. 4 2 0 -5 -12 -21
(1) 0 
(2) 4 
(3) 2 
(4) -5 
(5) -21
Q9. 101 123 149 179 218 251
(1) 251 
(2) 123 
(3) 179 
(4) 218 
(5) 101
Q10. 9 21 45 101 211 433 879
(1) 21 
(2) 45 
(3) 211 
(4) 433 
(5) 101

Q1 – (4)
Let Bhavika and Rita working together
can finish a job in x days.
Then, in 1 day they will complete = 1/x work
Bhavika working alone do in 1 day = 1/(x+8) work
Rita working alone will do in 1 day = 1/(x+9/2) work
So, 1/(x+8) + 1/(2x+9) = 1/x
=> [(2x+9) + 2(x+8)]/[(x+8)(2x+9)] = 1/x
=> x = 6days
Q2 – (2)
According to Question 
M1 x D1 x T1 x W2 = M2 x D2 x T2 x W1
36 x 6 x 10 x 1200 = 10 x D2 x 8 x 1200
D2 = 36 x 6 x 10 x 1200 / 10 x 9 x 1200 = 27days
Q3 – (3)
Let the speed of the car be x km/h
So, Speed of train = x * 1.2x = 6x / 5 km/h
So, 5/6x * 75 + 25/(2*60) = 75/x
= 75*2*60/6*25 = 60km/h
Q4 – (1)
Let the length of each train be x mtr
Then, total distance covered = (x + x) = 2x mtr
Relative Speed = (46 – 6) = 10 km/h = 10*5/18 m/s
Given (time) 36 = 2x * 18/50
Q5 – (2)
According to question, S.I. on Rs. 100 at 10% for six months 
=(100*10*6)/(100*12) = Rs. 5
Principal for next six months = Rs. 105
SI = 105*10*6/100*12 = Rs. 5.25
Total interest = Rs. 10.25
Q6 – (2)
The series is 1² x 2 = 2, 2² x 3 = 12, 3² x 4 = 36, 4² x 5 = 80 and so on.. Hence, 81 should be replaced by 80.
Q7 – (1)
The series is 1 x (2+3) = 5, 2 x (3+4) = 14, 3 x (4+5) = 27 and so on..
Hence, 16 should be replaced by 14
Q8 – (3) 
The series is 3² – 2² – 1² = 4, 4² – 3² – 2² = 3 and so on..
Hence, 2 should be replaced by 3.
Q9 – (4)
The series is 10² + ² + 0² = 101, 11² + 1² + 1² = 123, 12² + 1² + 2² = 149 and so on..
Hence, 218 should be replaced by 213
Q10 = (2)
The series is x 2 + 3, x 2 + 5, x 2 + 7, x 2 + 9, x2 + 11 and so on..
Hence, 45 should be replaced by 47.

English VOCAB Word List ► 27-Jan-2019

Meaning: to make a pillaging or destructive raid on
Synonym: worry,annoy
Sentence:  “The invaders harried the village's residents.”

Meaning: to convince (someone) not to do something
Synonym:deter, discourage
Sentence: “He tried to dissuade her from her intention to drop out of college”

3. Boondocks
Meaning: rough country filled with dense brush
Synonym: boonies,nowhere
Sentence: “a former city girl who was still adjusting to life in the boondocks”

Meaning: causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticed
Synonym: baneful,noxious
Sentence: “She thinks television has a pernicious influence on our children.”

Meaning: a sharp tool used for cutting the skin
Sentence: “The doctor used a lancet to proceed the surgery.”

Meaning: a tendency to act or think in a particular way

Sentence: He has a disposition toward criminal behavior.

Meaning: secret or mysterious : known or understood by only a few people
Sentence: “A theory filled with arcane details”

Meaning: a serious and intent mental state
Synonym: serious, sedate
Sentence: “ I'll accept only an earnest apology from you”

9. Repercussions
Meaning: something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc.
Synonym: impact,influence
Sentence: “your decision not to go to college will have repercussions you'll feel for years to come”

Meaning: to make (something) weaker or less noticeable
Synonym: desiccate ,damp
Sentence: “He took aspirin to deaden the pain.”

Friday, January 25, 2019

Computer Quiz

Q1)-LAN card is also known as

Q2)-Computer security can be increased by using
All of above

Q3)-A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is ?

Q4)-Second generation of computers consist of which of following ?
Vaccum Tubes
VLSI Microprocessor

Q5)-What is meant by devoted computer ?
which uses only one kind of software
which is used by only one person
which is assigned with only one task
No such type of computers are available

Q6)-CPU capacity can be measured in

Q7)-Modem speeds are measured in

Q8)-Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is ?

Q9)-"Zipping" a file means
Encrypting the message
Compressing the message
Transfer the message
All of the above

Q10)-Select the ODD one
Operating system

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (Q. 1-5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Six persons – A, B, C, D, E and F – are sitting in two cars namely X and Y but not necessarily in the same order. Out of six persons two are driving the cars. There are three persons in each car and one person must be on front seat besides the person who is driving the car. In car X, D is neither driving nor sitting on the back seat. F is sitting on the back seat in car Y. C is on the driver’s seat but not in the car X. A is neither driving any car nor travelling in the car Y. E is not on the driver’s seat in any car.
Q.1. Who among the following is sitting on the driver’s seat in the car X?
1) D
2) F
3) B
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Q.2. Who among the following is sitting on the front seat in the car Y?
1) E
2) A
3) F
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Q.3. Which of the following groups of three persons are travelling in the car X?
1) B, E and F
2) B, D and E
3) A, C and E
4) A, B and D
5) None of these
Q.4. Which of the following pairs represents the persons sitting on the front seats in the car X and car Y respectively?
1) D and F
2) D and E
3) B and E
4) A and C
5) None of these
Q.5. In the given arrangement if D shifts his position to the driver’s seat in his car, who will shift his position to the driver’s seat in other car following the same pattern?
1) E
2) F
3) A
4) B
5) C
Directions (6-10) : Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and
Give answer (1) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (2) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (3) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (4) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (5) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Q.6. How is H related to B?
I. H is married to P. P is the mother of T. T is married to D. D is the father of B.
II. B is the daughter of T. T is the sister of N. H is the father of N.
Q.7. Among five persons D, E, F, G and H, each of whom having different height, who is the second tallest?
I. D is taller than only G and E. F is not the tallest.
II. H is taller than F. G is taller than E but shorter than D.
Q.8. In which direction is J with respect to R?
I. R is to the west of P. P is to the south of G. J is to the west of G. When R, P, G and J are joined by straight lines, a square is formed.
II. K is to the south of J. H is to the east of K. R is to the north-west of H. When R, K and H are joined by straight lines, a right angled triangle (right angled at K) is formed.
Q.9. What is the position of K from the right end in a row?
I. There are even number of students in the row. There are not more than 11 students in the row.
II. C stands at the extreme left end of the line. There are five students between C and B. O is third to the right of B. K is not at the extreme end. There is only one student between O and K.
Q.10. On which day of the week(starting from monday and ending on sunday) did Arvind visit Mumbai?
I. Arvind visited Mumbai after Monday but before Thursday but not on an odd day of the week.
II. Arvind visited Mumbai before Friday but after Monday.

Ans.1. 3; Car X B is driving the Car X.
D is sitting on the front seat.
A is sitting on the back seat.
Car Y C is driving the Car Y.
E is sitting on the front seat.
F is sitting on the back seat.
B is on the driver’s seat in the Car X.
Ans.2. 1; Car X B is driving the Car X.
D is sitting on the front seat.
A is sitting on the back seat.
Car Y C is driving the Car Y.
E is sitting on the front seat.
F is sitting on the back seat.
E is sitting on the front seat in the Car Y.
Ans.3. 4; Car X B is driving the Car X.
D is sitting on the front seat.
A is sitting on the back seat.
Car Y C is driving the Car Y.
E is sitting on the front seat.
F is sitting on the back seat.
A, B and D are travelling in the Car X.
Ans.4. 2; Car X B is driving the Car X.
D is sitting on the front seat.
A is sitting on the back seat.
Car Y C is driving the Car Y.
E is sitting on the front seat.
F is sitting on the back seat.
D is sitting on the front seat in the Car X and E is sitting on the front seat in the Car Y.
Ans.5. 1; Car X B is driving the Car X.
D is sitting on the front seat.
A is sitting on the back seat.
Car Y C is driving the Car Y.
E is sitting on the front seat.
F is sitting on the back seat.
D is on the front seat in the Car X and E is on the front seat in Car Y.
Ans.6. 3; From statement I
P is the wife of H.
P is the mother of T.
H is the father of T.
T is the wife of D.
T is the mother of B.
Therefore, H is the grandfather of B.
From statement II
H is the father of T and N.
B is the daughter of T.
Therefore, H is the grandfather of B.
Ans.7. 1;

Ans.8. 3;

Ans.9. 5; From statement I
The number of students may be 4, 6, 8 or 10.
From statement II
C | | | | | B K | O
It is clear that there are 10 students in the row. K is third from the right.
Ans.10. 1; From statement I
Arvind visited Mumbai on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Wednesday is an odd day.
Therefore, Arvind visited Mumbai on Tuesday.
From statement II
Arvind visited Mumbai on Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday.