Wednesday, November 22, 2017

English Quiz

Directions for questions (Q. 1 to 5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
Q.1. The answer conceivably is 1)/ that the corridor is about 2)/ connect the Pakistani market to the 3)/ emerging manufacturing base in Tibet and Xinjiang. 4)/ No error 5)
Q.2. India, Iran, and Afghanistan need to be commended on 1)/ the farsightedness of this pact. 2)/ However the challenges remain; without security 3)/ in Afghanistan this deal becomes hollow. 4)/ No error 5)
Q.3. The alacrity was displayed toward 1)/ finalizing this pact soon after 2)/ the dismantling of UN sanctions on 3)/ Iran will be needed again and again. 4)/ No error 5)
Q.4. When the Taliban swept to power across southern Afghanistan 1)/ in the mid-1990s, Rasool was appointed governor 2)/ of Nimruz, a province even dustier and 3)/ more remote than his home of Spin Boldak. 4)/ No error 5)
Q.5. The United States has consistently overemphasized 1)/ or misinterpreted tribes and tribal conflict 2)/ in Afghanistan and its efforts to broker security 3)/ agreements on these lines have mostly failed. 4)/ No error 5)
Directions for questions (Q. 6 to 10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.
Q.6. After having been friends for more than a decade, they had a/an ___________ last year and have not ___________ each other ever since.
1) trouble, talked
2) argument, liked
3) fight, seen
4) quarrel, admired
5) difference, introduced
Q.7. The workers, several of ___________ had complained about their low wages earlier, have now ___________ to move to the court for the labour rights.
1) who, indicated
2) whom, decided
3) which, threatened
4) them, resolved
5) number, warned
Q.8. The huntment dwellers were jubilant when the government ___________ an apartment to each of them at ___________ rates
1) demolished, fast
2) announced, less
3) provided, high
4) acquired, low
5) promised, subsidized
Q.9. The organization was deeply ___________ by difficulties a decade ago but the new CEO brought many ___________ changes in it and took it to a new high.
1) indebted, necessary
2) plagued, vital
3) coping, more
4) hurt, critical
5) shaken, inevitable
Q.10. The prime minister who is ___________ in his holiday home at the moment said that he was very ___________ by the news of India winning the world cup.
1) visiting, happy
2) residing, obliged
3) intruding, dejected
4) staying, pleased
5) resting, cheerful

Solutions & Cut off : 5.75 Marks
Ans.1. Replace “connect” with “connecting”, here we need a noun not a verb, “connect” is a verb which is inappropriate in the context of sentence. So, “connecting” (Noun) would be the right answer.
Ans.2. 5; The sentence is correct in the given form.
Ans.3. Omit “was” from the first part of the sentence, here “the alacrity” is subject not object, in Active Voice we use subject as a subject but in the Passive Voice we use “an object” as “a subject”, this is the basic difference between Active Voice and Passive Voice.
Ans.4. 5; The sentence is correct in the given form.
Ans.5. 4; Replace “on” with “along”, inappropriate usage of preposition, when we walk “along” coast line, along border line, along sea shore, etc.
Ans.6. 3; ‘Fight’ is appropriate for the first blank because the sentence implies that there was an argument between the two friends. ‘Seen’ fits in the second blank because the latter part of the sentence suggests that after the dispute, the two friends didn’t call or meet each other.
Ans.7. 2; ‘Whom’ is appropriate for the first blank because it refer to workers in the given context and is used as a subject of a following preposition, i.e. ‘of’. ‘Decided’ is the correct answer for the second blank because it brings out the workers decision to move to the court.
Ans.8. 5; ‘Promised’ is appropriate for the first blank because the government assured the hutment dwellers that an apartment will be provided to each of them. ‘Announced’ is incorrect because it means ‘to declare publicly’. ‘Subsidized’ fits in the second blank because the government helped them to buy the apartment at low rates. ‘Less’ is incorrect because it necessarily does not mean ‘at subsidized rates’.
Ans.9. 2; ‘Plagued’ is appropriate for the first blank because it means ‘to cause worry or distress to someone’. ‘Indebted’ is incorrect because it means to owe gratitude or recognition to another. ‘Vital’ fits in the second blank because the sentence refers to the important changes. ‘Inevitable’ is incorrect because it refers to something that can’t be avoided.
Ans.10. 4; ‘Staying’ fits in the first blank because the sentence implies that the prime minister was living in his holiday home and he was happy to hear that India had won the world cup. Therefore, ‘pleased’ is the correct answer for the second blank.

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