Thursday, February 7, 2019

English VOCAB list

1. Breach (noun) (दरार) – an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct
Synonyms – rupture, chasm
Antonyms – agreement, connection
Ex: After the officer’s breach of conduct was discovered, he was dishonorably discharged from the military.

2. Disconcerting (adjective) (चिंताजनक) causing one to feel unsettled
Synonyms – demoralize, ruffle
Antonyms – assist, clarify
Ex: It was deeply disconcerting.

3. Galling (adjective) (दुखद) causing annoyance or resentment, annoying
Synonyms – annoying, provoking
Antonyms – cheering, pleasant
Ex: The fraud allegation was galling and really upset the honest minister.

4. Infiltrated (verb) (घुसपैठ)enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information
Synonyms – pervade, foist
Ex: The organization has been infiltrated by informers.

5. Plumbing (noun) (पाइपलाइन)  the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building
Synonyms – explore, gauge
Antonyms – estimate, guess
Ex: Install the plumbing and electricity.

6. Clogging (verb) (रोकना)block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter
Synonyms – drag, block
Antonyms – advantage, assistance
Ex: The gutters were clogged up with leaves.

7. Catastrophic (adjective) (आपत्तिजनक) – involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering
Synonyms – calamitous, tragic
Antonyms – fortunate, happy
Ex: The result has been catastrophic.

8. Onus (noun) (भार) – something that is one's duty or responsibility
Synonyms – brand, charge
Antonyms – advantage, blank
Ex: As a good teacher, I accept the onus for making sure my students learn something each day.

9. Sophisticated (adjective) (जटिल) – having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
Synonyms – cultivated, artificial
Antonyms – unrefined, simple
Ex: Because I prefer comedy movies, I turned down my friend’s offer to see the sophisticated French film.

10. Promptly (adverb) (तुरंत) – with little or no delay, immediately
Synonyms – instantly, fleetly
Antonyms – slowly, late
Ex: The testing began promptly.

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