Monday, February 4, 2019

English Vocab words

1.Headroom(N): Gap
Synonyms- Allowance, Margin
Closure, Denial, Grounding, Refusal, Veto

Ex: The expanded room provides ample headroom for a new sitting area.


Synonyms- distinction,imbalance
Ex: Disparities between major states result in unhealthy competition.

3.Agony: Extreme pain
Synonyms- misery,anguish
Ex: Nothing in his life had prepared him for this intense agony.

4.Muggy(adj):  oppressively humid,damp

Synonyms- moist,soggy, sticky
Ex: Muggy condition can add discomfort to your journey.

5.Exult(V): cheer

Synonyms- rejoice, celebrate
Ex: After winning first place in the contest, his family took him out to exult in the victory.

6.Elicit(v): Bring out

Synonyms- evoke,extract
Ex: We plan to elicit opinions from students.

7.Euphoria(N): Extreme happiness

Synonyms- elation, exhilaration
Ex: No one in the last two decades has come to power with greater euphoria than the Narender Modi sarkar.

8.Cripple(N): Paralyze

Synonyms- immobilize, stifle
Ex: he was crippled by incipient disease of the brain.

9.conducive(Adj): favorable for

Synonyms- helpful, useful
Ex: Indians are entrepreneurial by nature; they just need a conducive environment.

10.Retribution(N): Payback for another's action

Synonyms- Punishment,compensationEx: Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and retribution.

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