Friday, February 8, 2019

English VOCAB list

1. Strains (verb) (उपभेदों) – force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort
Synonyms – anxiety, stretch
Antonyms – calmness, peace
Ex: I stopped and listened, straining my ears for any sound.

2. Inflicting (verb) (पहुंचाई)cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something
Synonyms – expose, wreak
Antonyms – hold, take
Ex: If not controlled, the insects will inflict serious damage on our crops.

3. Containment (noun) (रोकथाम) the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits
Synonyms – regulation, guidance
Antonyms –  disorganization, inability
Ex: Each capsule was its own containment for safety.

4. Protocol (noun) (मसविदा बनाना) the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions
Synonyms – agreement, obligation
Antonyms –  crudeness, rudeness
Ex: The new teacher violated school protocol by going directly to the principal instead of first seeking out her grade level chair.

5. Efficacy (noun) (प्रभावोत्पादकता)  the ability to produce a desired or intended result
Synonyms – adequacy, virtue
Antonyms –  enervation, idleness
Ex: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.

6. Endemic (adjective) (स्थानिक)(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area
Synonyms – local, regional
Ex: It cannot be called endemic, since it exists everywhere.

7. Vigilant (adjective) (जागरूक) – keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
Synonyms – cautious, attentive
Antonyms –  ignorant, impulsive
Ex: He was only going to be vigilant.

8. Overstated (verb) (अतिरंजित) – state too strongly, exaggerate
Synonyms – amplify, inflate
Antonyms –  compress, decrease
Ex: The power of Pretending cannot be overstated.

9. Alacrity (noun) (तत्परता) – brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonyms – avidity, dispatch
Antonyms –  apathy, lethargy
Ex: Patience is certainly a virtue for investors, but so is alacrity when the situation demands.

10. Imminent (adjective) (आसन्न) – about to happen
Synonyms – inevitable, looming
Antonyms – avoidable, distant
Ex: Your church leader has predicted the imminent end of the world.

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