Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Quant Quiz

Ques 1: Varsha spends 55% of her monthly income on grocery, clothes and education in the ratio of
4 : 2 : 5 respectively. If the amount spent on clothes is Rs.5540, what is Varsha’s monthly income?

1. Rs. 55400
2. Rs. 54500
3. Rs. 55450
4. Rs. 55650
5. None of these

Ques 2: The respective ratio between the present ages of father, mother and daughter is 7 : 6 : 2. The difference between mother’s and the daughter’s age is 24 years. What is the father’s age at present?
1. 43 years
2. 42 years
3. 39 years
4. 38 years
5. None of these

Ques 3: In the recently concluded CBSE examination , a total of 600000 students appeared.40% of them were females while the rest were males. Pass % among males is 75% and the overall pass % is 70%.what is the pass % for females?
1. 52.5%
2. 55.5%
3. 62.5%
4. 60.5%
5. None of these 

Ques 4: A truck covers a distance of 368 km at a certain speed in 8 hours. How much time would a car take at an average speed which is 18 km/hr. more than that of the speed of the truck to cover a distance which is 16 km more than that travelled by the truck?
1. 7 hours
2. 5 hours
3. 6 hours
4. 8 hours
5. None of these

Ques 5: Solve the series :
112, 119, 140, 175, 224, (?)
1. 277
2. 276
3. 287
4. 286
5. None of these

Ques 6: The difference between the present ages of Arun and Deepak is 14 years. Seven years ago the ratio of their ages was 5:7 respectively. What is Deepak’s present age?
1. 49 yrs
2. 42 yrs
3. 63 yrs
4. 35 yrs
5. none of these

Ques 7: A trader uses a weight of 920 g instead of 1 kg and sells the articles at the marked price which is 15% above the cost price. Find the profit percentage?
1. 20%
2. 23%
3. 25%
4. 50%
5. None of these

Ques 8: In a company, 65% employees are male and 42% employees are engineers and 66.6% of these engineers are male. The percentage of female who are not engineer is?
1. 56%
2. 60%
3. 48%
4. 70%
5. None of these

Ques 9: A man sells a bicycle at a gain of 10%. If he had bought it at 10% less and sold it for Rs. 132 less, he would have still gained 10%. The cost price of the bicycle is?
1. 1000
2. 1500
3. 1250
4. 1200
5. None of these

Ques 10: A bird is sitting on the last coach at the very end of a 100 m long train, travelling at speed of 36 km/ hr. The bird starts flying in the direction of the train at a speed 54 km/hr but rests on the train for 1 s after flying for every 2s. Find the time taken by the bird to reach the starting of the engine?
1. 28 sec
2. 30 sec
3. 27 sec
4. 29 sec 
5. Cannot be determined


Q1 – OPTION — 1
Solution : Let the Varsha’s monthly income be Rs. x and the common ratio be y∴ Amount spent on grocery, clothes and education = 4y + 2y + 5y
According to the question, 11y = 55x/100 …..(i)
And 2y = 5540
y = 2770
By putting the value of y in equation (i), we get,
11 × 2770 = 55x/100
x = 11 x 2770 x 100/55
x = Rs.55400

Q2 – OPTION — 2
Solution : Let the common ratio be x
∴ the present ages of father’s, mother’s and daughter’s are 7x, 6x, 2x respectively.
According to the question
6x = 2x – 24
4x = 24
x = 6.

Q3 – OPTION — 3
Solution : 6 lakh students -> 4.2 (70% of 6) lakh passed and 1.8 lakh failed.
2.4 lakh (40% of 6 lakh) students females 
So, 3.6 (6-2.4) lakh students are males
2.7 lakh (75% of 3.6) males passed… So, 0.9 lakh males are failed.
So, passed females = 1.5 lakh (4.2 – 2.7)
Percentage = 1.5/2.4 = 500/8 = 62.5%

Q4 – OPTION — 3
Solution : Speed of truck = 368/8 = 46 kmph
∴ required time = (368+16) / (46+18) = 384/64 = 6 hours

Q5 – OPTION — 3
Trick :
112 + 1*7 = 119
119 + 3*7 = 140
140 + 5*7 = 175
224 + 9*7 = 287

Q6 – OPTION — 5
Solution : Let the present ages of Arun and Deepak be x and y respectively. According to the question-
y – x = 14
x = y – 14………………………………….. (i)

x – 7/y – 7 = 5/7
7x – 49 = 5y – 35………………………… (ii)

By putting the value of x from equation (i) in equation (ii)
7 (y – 14) – 49 = 5y – 35
7y – 5y = 98 + 49 – 35
Y = 56 years

Q7 – OPTION – 3
Solution : Let the CP be 1rs/g
1000 gms = 1000rs
But he uses weight = 920gms
So, CP = 920
SP = 1000+150 = 1150
Profit = 1150 – 920 = 230
P% = 230/920 * 100 = 25%

Q8 – OPTION — 2
Solution : Let 100x employees. 65x = male and 35x = female
42x = engineers and 66.6% = 2/3 of 42 = 28x = male engineers

Hence, female engineers = 42x-28x = 14x
⇒ Females who are not engineers = 35x-14x = 21x
Percentage = [21x/35x]*100 = 60%

Q9 –  OPTION – 4
Solution : Let CP = 100%
Now, If he bought at 10% less means at 90% he is now buying.
Also, gain = 10% means SP (old) = CP[1+P%] —> SP = 90% * 1.1 = 99%
Sells a bicycle at 10% gain means SP (new) = 1.1 * 100 = 110% – 132

Now equate both the SP
99% = 110% – 132 —-à 11% = 132
So, 100% = 132/11 * 100 = 1200


Let, CP = x
SP = 1.1x
CP (new) = 0.9x
SP(new) = 1.1x -132.
So, gain = SP(new) –CP(new)
[0.2x – 132 ]/ 0.9x * 100 = 10 ==> x = 1200.

Q10 – OPTION – 4
Solution : Try nullifying trains speed by relativity.
Stop train so now birds flying speed will be 18km/hr (54-36) wrt to train = 5m/s.
Flying for 2 sec ==> Means it travels 10 m and then stops for 1 sec so, distance covered
= 10 m in 3 secs.
Hence, in 30 seconds it’ll reach 100 meters, which includes 1 second of rest after reaching destination.
So total time is 30-1 = 29 seconds

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