Saturday, December 23, 2017

English Quiz - Fill in Blanks

Q1)-If you are really not feeling well. you .......... a doctor.
should better see
may see
had better see
would rather see
Ans.- C

Q2)-The marathon race is intended to test one’s endurance more...........
than his speed
than how fast one runs
than one’s speed
lain off
Ans.- C

Q3)-He is .......... handsome boy that he is very popular with girls.
such a
a such
rather than
Ans.- A

Q4)-He is .......... of the doctor not to smoke.
in strict orders
over strict orders
with orders
under strict orders
Ans.- D

Q5)-Do not stand .......... the rail: the paint is ..........wet.
against, still
on, yet
at, very
onto, not
Ans.- A

Q6)-I have lived..........this street..........ten years.
on, during
in, for
near, since
with, for
Ans.- B

Q7)-He was .......... parking his car .......... a no parking area.
while, on
for, in
on, in
to, within
Ans.- B

Q8)-I object .......... being kept waiting. Why are you always so late .......... appointments?
to, for
for, for
about, towards
on, over
Ans.- A

Q9)-I have heard such a lot .......... him that I’m looking forward .......... seeing him eagerly.
on, for
on, to
about, for
about, to
Ans.- D

Q10)-After all this time you’d think he’d have forgotten .......... ?
didn’t you
wouldn’t you
don’t you
do you
Ans.- B

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