Saturday, December 30, 2017

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz

Question.1. The ratio of present ages of three persons are 6 : 9 : 11.Ten years ago, the sum of their ages was 48. Find the average of their present ages (in years).
a.18 years
b.27 years
c.22 years
d.21 years
e.None of the above
Question.2. 64 women can do a work in 36 days. 54 men can complete the same work in 21 days. Find the ratio between the working capacity of a Man and a women?
d.71 :37
e.None of these
Question.3. The average weight of A, B and C is 64 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 54 kg and that of B and C be 58 kg, then the weight of B is:
a.27 kg
b.28 kg
c.38 kg
d.32 kg
e.44 kg
Question.4. Two taps X and Y can fill a Tank in 30 and 60 minutes respectively. There is a third exhaust tap Z at the bottom of tank. If all taps are opened at the same time, the Tank will be full in 50 minutes. In what time can exhaust tap Z empty the cistern when full?
a.10/3 Min
b.13/4 Min
c.12/5 Min
d.18 Min
e.21 Min
Question.5. Moradabad is at a distance of 340 km from New delhi. A train starts from New delhi to Moradabad at 6 P.M. with a speed of 60 km/hr. Another train starts from Moradabad to New delhi at 7 P.M. with a speed of 80 km/hr. At what distance from New delhi will the two trains cross each other and also find the time when they cross each other? 
a.230 km, 8:30 PM
b.180 km, 9:00 AM
c.180 km, 9:00 PM
d.230 km, 8:30 AM
e.None of these
Question.6. Arun alone can do a piece of work in 9 days and Bimal alone in 12 days. Arun and Bimal undertook to do it for Rs. 4800. With the help of Chintu, they completed the work in 5 days. How much is to be paid to chintu
Question.7. A dealer bought an item at 10% discount on its original price. He sold it at 35% more than the original price. What percentage profit did he get?
(A) 25%        
(B) 45%    
(C) 22.5%
(D) 50%        
(E) 35%
Question.8. Price register an increase of 10% on food grains and 15% on other items of expenditure. If the ratio of expenditure of an employee on food grains and other items be 2:5, by how much should his salary be increased in order that he may maintain the same level of consumption as before? Assume that there is no saving our of his monthly salary of Rs 2590.
(A) 13.57%        
(B) 14.54%    
(C) 23.23%
(D) 16.48%
(E) None of these
Question.9. The ratio of the present ages of Arnab and Sanjana is 13:17 respectively. Four years ago the respective ratio of their ages was 11 : 15. What will be the respective ratio of their ages six years hence?
(A) 4 : 5        
(B) 6 : 7        
(C) 6 : 5 
(D) 9 : 8        
(E) None of these
Question.10. The average age of 80 boys in a class is 15 years. The average age of a group of 15 boys in the class is 16 years and the average age of another 25 boys in the class is 14 years. What is the average age of the remaining boys in the class?
(A) 15.25 years    
(B) 24.55 years    
(C) 18.35 years
(D) Cannot be determined    
(E) None of the above

Let their present ages be 6x, 9x and 11x years respectively.
Then, (6x – 10) + (9x – 10) + (11x – 10) = 48
26x = 78
x = 3
Their present ages are 6x = 18 years, 7x = 21 years and 9x = 27 years respectively.
hence, Required Average = (18+ 21+ 27)/3 = 66/3 = 22 years
(64 x 36) womens can complete the work in 1 day.
1 day’s work of 1 Woman’s = 1/2304
(54 x 21) Men can complete the work in 1 day.
1 day’s work of 1 Man‘s = 1/1134
Req. ratio = 1/1134 : 1/2304 = 128:63
A + B + C = (64 x 3) = 192 …. (i)
A + B = (54 x 2) = 108 …. (ii)
B + C = (58 x 2) = 116 ….(iii)
Adding (ii) and (iii), we get: A + 2B + C = 224 …. (iv)
Subtracting (i) from (iv), we get : B = 224-192= 32.
hence, B’s weight = 32 Kgs.
Let tap C will empty the tank in ‘t’ minutes
Here, X = 30, Y = 60 and Total time to fill tank = 50 minutes
C can empty the full tank in = (XYZ /YZ +ZX –XY) Minutes
= ( 30*60*50/ ( 60*50 + 30*50 -30*60)
= 90000/2700 = 10/3 Minutes
Speed of train from new Delhi to Moradabad (s1) = 60, 
Speed of train from Moradabad to new delhi (s2) = 80, 
T = time from 6 P.M. to 7 P.M. = 1 hr
Distance of meeting point from New delhi= S1 {( d +S2 t) / (S1 +S2)} km
= 60 {( 340 + 80X1) / (60+80)} = 180 km
Time of their meeting = {( d +S2 t) / (S1 +S2)}
{( 340 + 80X1) / (60+80)}
3 Hrs after 6 PM
i.e. 9:00 PM
Chintu’s 1 day’s work = 1/5 – ( 1/9 + 1/12) = (1/5 – 7 /36) = 1/180
hence, Ratio of their wages = Arun :Bimal :Chintu =1/9 : 1/12 : 1/ 180
= 20:15:1
Chintu’s Share=4800 * (1/36) = 133.33 Rs.
Let the original price to be Rs 100.
So he bought it at 10% discount ieRs 90 and 
sells it at 35% more than the original rate ieRs 135.
Actual profit is 135- 90=Rs 45
So % profit =45/90×100=50%
By the method of allegation
Or, 75- 5x=2x-20
Or, 7x=95
Or, x=13.57%
Let the present ages of Arnab and Sanjana be 13x and 17x years respectively.
187x – 44=195x-60
195x-187x = 60-44
Required ratio =(13×2+6):(17×2+6) =32 : 40 = 4 : 5
Let the required average age be x years.
hence, x=610/40=15.25 years

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