Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Reasoning Quiz

Directions ( Q1-Q5): Each of the question below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read both the statement and give answer-
1. If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2. If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
3. If the data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
4. If the data in statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
5. If the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Q1. Who among A, B, C, D and E got the highest mark ?
I) D got more marks than B and C and E got more marks than A and D.
II) A got less marks than E and C but more than B and D. C didn’t get highest marks and B didn’t get least marks.
Q2. Which direction is Sumit facing ?
I) If Sumit turns 450 to his right, he will face the direction exact opposite Rajat, who is facing North.
II) Rakshit is to the right of Sumit.
Q3. How is M related to I ?
I) S is one of the sisters of M, L is the only brother of M.
II) I is the brother of Q, who is father of S.
Q4. P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Who sits on the immediate left of R ?
I) Only P sits between Q and T.
II) Q sits on the immediate right of S.
Q5. Among J, K, L M and P, each of a different age, who is the youngest ?
I) L is younger than only K and P.
II) J is younger than L and older than M.
Directions (Q6-Q10): Read the following information carefully to answer the given question.
      In an International mobile event, eight representatives, viz E, F, G H, I, J, K and L are representing different companies, viz Samsung, L.G., Sony, Apple, HTC, Motorola, Nokia, and Blackberry, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are sitting around a circular table facing the centre.
     J sits third to the left of I. The representative of Apple and L. G are immediate neighbours of each other. G represents neither HTC nor Apple. G and L’s immediate neighbours do not represent Sony. Only one person sits between E and the one who represents Motorola. E does not represent either Sony or L.G. Only one person sits between K and the representative of Sony. G sits third to the right of L. L represents Blackberry. I is not an immediate neighbour of either G or L. The one who represents Samsung is an immediate neighbour of I. Three people sits between L and the representative of Nokia. F is not representing either Sony or Samsung. G does not represent LG.
Q6. Who among them represent L.G. ?
1) F 
2) G 
3) I 
4) J 
5) None of these
Q7. Who among the following represent immediate neighbours of J ?
1) G, F 
2) E, H 
3) I, K 
4) E, G 
5) K, E
Q8. How many person sits between H and the representative of Apple in anti-clockwise direction ?
1) One 
2) Two 
3) Three 
4) Four 
5) None of these
Q9. Which of the following pair is correct ?
1) E, L.G. 
2) G, Nokia 
3) H, Blackberry 
4) K, Samsung 
5) I, Sony
Q10. Which of the following is true regarding K ?
1) K sits second to the right of E 
2) K represent Nokia 
3) K sits between H and I
4) Only one person sits between K and J 
5) None of these

Q1 – 3
Q2 – 1
Q3 – 4
Q4 – 5
Q5 – 5

Q6 – Q10
Correct Arrangement :

Q6 – 4
Q7 – 4
Q8 – 2
Q9 – 5
Q10 – 5

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