Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Reasoning Quiz

Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions (1 to 5):

Ten students namely viz P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y of ten different colleges but not necessarily in the same order have exam on five different days starting from Monday to Friday of the same week. Each student have exam at two different time slots, i.e. 08.00 AM or 11.00 AM.
Only two people have exam between U and Y. Neither T nor V does not have exam on Friday. X has exam on Tuesday at 08.00 A.M. W does not have exam at 11.00 AM. The number of people who have exam between V and S is same as the number of people who have exam between R and W. S does not have exam on any one of the days after T. U does not have exam on any of the days after W. Q has exam immediately before X. X does not have exam on any of the days before V. The one who has exam at 08.00 A.M. immediately before Y. S has exam immediately after the day of one who has exam on Monday. U does not have exam at 11.00 A.M. Only three people have exam between V and T.

Q1)-How many persons have exam at 11’ O’ Clock between T and W ?

Q2)-Who among the following person has exam at 8 A.M?

Q3)-Three among the following form a group in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to Group?
Q – Tuesday
S – Wednesday
W – Friday
V – Tuesday

Q4)-Who among the following have exam on Friday?
W, Y
R, S
P, Q
T, V

Q5)-Which of the following is correctly matched?
X – Monday
S – Tuesday
Q – Friday
V – Tuesday

Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions (6 to 10).

Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – attended a farewell party in the months of February, March, April May, July, October and December but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them likes different stationery items viz., Pen, Pencil, Scale, Sharpener, Eraser, Marker pen and Box but not necessarily in the same order. The one who likes Eraser attended farewell party in the month having less than 31 days. There is only one person between A and the person who likes Eraser.
The one who likes Scale attended farewell party immediately before A. C attended farewell party immediately after A. Only two persons attended farewell party between C and B. G attended farewell party in that month which has less than 31 days. F attended farewell party immediately after G. Only one person attended farewell party between A and the who likes Sharpener. A does not like Marker pen.
The one who likes pen attended farewell party immediately before the one who like box. E does not like scale. The person who likes Marker pen attended the farewell party in the month having less than 31 days.

Q6)-Which of the following stationery items is liked by F ?
Marker Pen

Q7)-Which of the following combinations of Month-Person-Stationery Item is correct ?
March – G – Pen
July – A – Pen
October – E – Marker Pen
May – C – Scale

Q8)-Who among the following attended the farewell party immediately after D ?

Q9)-Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?
C attended farewell party in October
A likes Box
D attended farewell party immediately before E.
E attended farewell party in July

Q10)-Who among the following attended the farewell party in April ?

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