Sunday, December 17, 2017

Computer Quiz

1. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called _____.
1) LAN 
2) Web 
3) Hypertext
4) Internet 
5) None of these

2. The property that, when classes are arranged in a hierarchy, each class assumes the attributes and methods of its ancestors is _______.
1) generalization 
2) inheritance 
3) encapsulation 
4) information hiding
5) None of these

3. The software component of an expert system that draws conclusions is the _____.
1) user interface 
2) database 
3) inference engine
4) I/O controller 
5) model base

4. The attributes and methods for each object are stored in _______.
1) an object instance 
2) an object connection
3) an assembly structure 
4) an object repository
5) None of these

5. An E-R diagram is a graphic method of presenting ____.
1) primary keys and their relationships
2) primary keys and their relationships to instances
3) entity classes and their relationships
4) entity classes and their relationships to primary keys
5) None of these

6. ________ is an invalid type of database key.
1) Structured primary key 
2) Atomic primary key
3) Primary key 
4) Composite primary key
5) None of these

7. A processor that collects the transmissions from several communications media and sends them over a single line that operates at a higher capacity is called ______.
1) multiplexor 
2) bridge 
3) hub
4) router 
5) None of these

8. Bandwidth refers to _______.
1) the cost of the cable required to implement a WAN
2) the cost of the cable required to implement a LAN
3) the amount of information a peer-to-peer network can store
4) the amount of information a communications medium can transfer in a given amount of time 
5) None of these

9. _________ is a primary key of one file that also appears in another file.
1) Physical key 
2) Primary key 
3) Foreign key
4) Logical key 
5) None of these

10. The technique that extends storage capacities of main memory beyond the actual size of the main memory is called _______.
1) multitasking 
2) virtual storage
3) multiprocessing
4) multiprogramming
5) switching

11. Customers, facilities, knowledge workers, business information, communication infrastructure and computer equipment are all considerations in a good _______ plan.
1) Hacker 
2) Disaster recovery 
3) Security
4) Risk management 
5) None of these

12. Which of the following correctly defines the term E-Banking?
A) It is the short form of Efficient Banking which means providing all banking related services to the customers in minimum required time during their visit to the branch.
B) E-Banking is providing banking facilities to all the customers through ATMs only which restricts their visits to a bank branch to a bare minimum.
C) E-Banking implies provisions of banking products and services through electronic delivery channels like ATMs, Phone, internet, mobile phones etc.

1) Only A     
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only A & B 
5) Only A & C

13. SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the ____ layer.
1) data link 
2) network 
3) transport 
4) application 
5) None of these

14. In a database, information should be organised and accessed according to which of the following?
1) Physical position 
2) Logical structure
3) Data dictionary 
4) Physical structure
5) None of these

15. Traffic in a VPN is not ______.
1) invisible from public networks
2) logically separated from other traffic
3) accessible from unauthorised public networks
4) restricted to a single protocol in IP Sec
5) None of these

16. A ________ is not a form of Biometrics.
1) fingerprint 
2) password
3) retina scan 
4) breath scan
5) None of these

17. A compiler ______.
1) translates machine language into a high level language
2) translates one statement at a time as the program executes
3) translates two statements at a time as the program executes
4) produces object code
5) is less sophisticated than an assembler

18. References to each file on a disk are stored in a ______.
1) file allocation table 
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory 
4) root directory
5) directory allocation table

19. A sender must not be able to deny that he sent a specific message when he in fact did. This is an aspect of security called ______.
1) privacy 
2) authentication 
3) integrity
4) non-repudiation 
5) None of these

20. _______ is an access method in which collisions are entirely avoided.
1) CSMA 
4) All of these 
5) None of these


1. 4
2. 2 
3. 3
4. 4
5. 3
6. 1
7. 1
8. 4
9. 3
10. 2
11. 4
12. 3
13. 4 
14. 2 
15. 2
16. 2 
17. 4 
18. 1 
19. 4
20. 5

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