Saturday, December 16, 2017

Computer Quiz

Q1)-Which of the following is the structure of the Database ?
None of these
Ans.- B

Q2)-Which of the following option is use to retrieval of data ?
Data Structure
Linked List
Ans.- D

Q3)-What does FD stands for in DBMS ?
Facilitate data
Functional data
Facilitate dependency
Functional dependency
Ans.- D

Q4)-The ..................... is essentially used to search for patterns in target string.
Like Predicate
Null Predicate
In Predicate
Out Predicate
Ans.- A

Q5)-................. allows individual row operation to be performed on a given result set or on the generated by a selected by a selected statement.
None of above
Ans.- C

Q6)-The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components of an enterprise-class database system?
Database application and the database
Data and the database
The user and the database application
Database application and SQL
Ans.- A

Q7)-The following are components of a database except ________ .
user data
Ans.- C

Q8)-SQL stands for ________ .
Structured Query Language
Sequential Query Language
Structured Question Language
Sequential Question Language
Ans.- A

Q9)-Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as
foreign key
secondary key
candidate key
composite key
Ans.- A

Q10)-The master list of an indexed file
is sorted in ascending order
contains only a list of keys and record numbers
has a number assigned to each record
none of above
Ans.- C

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