Tuesday, December 19, 2017

English Quiz

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

One of the main reasons of corruption in elections today is the lure of power which haunts the politicians so much that they feel no qualms of conscience in adopting any underhand method to come out successful. The Watergate Scandal in the U.S.A. is an eloquent example to testify to the fact how even the top level politicians can stoop to the lowest level in order to maintain themselves in power. Who does not remember how Adolf Hitler rode roughshod overall canons of electoral pro-priety to capture power ? In India also the record of the various political parties is not clean. Corruption thrives in elections because those in the field play on the psychology of the electorate. The voters are swayed by the tall promises of the candidates to whose machinations they fall an easy prey. They are also susceptible to fall an easy prey to the adulations of the politicians due to their illiteracy. Besides, in the representative democracies today and particularly in big countries the constituencies are quite extensive obviating the possibility of corrupt practices being discovered. Anti-corruption laws are honored more in their breach than in their observance. Even the code of conduct to be observed by the parties fighting the elections becomes a dead letter in as much as it is jettisoned out of existence and thrown unscrupulously over board by the unfair politicians whose only aim is to maintain themselves in the saddle.

Q1)-The politicians indulge in corruption in elections now-a-days because :
Of lure of power
Lure of money
Elections can be won only by corrupt means
Corrupt practices in elections go unno ticed
Ans.- A

Q2)-Which example of the U.S.A. testifies to the fact that even the top level people can stoop very low in order to maintain themselves in power ?
The New Deal
The Watergate Scandal
The Philadelphia Contract
The Washington Agreement
Ans.- B

Q3)-How does corruption thrive in elections?
The people themselves are corrupt
A sizable part of the society is corrupt
There is natural connection between elections and corruption
The politicians exploit the electorate psychologically
Ans.- D

Q4)-Why according to the writer do the voters fall an easy prey to the machinations of the politicians ?
They want to self their votes because of poverty
They are illiterate and do not understand what designs the politicians have at the back of their tall promises
They are totally indifferent to what happens on the political horizon
They are coward and submit to the threats of physical violence held out by the cronies of the politicians
Ans.- B

Q5)-What happens to the anti-corrpution laws ?
There is actually no such things as anti-corruption laws
Anti-corruption laws are certainly honoured but in a limited way
Anti-corruption laws are honoured more in their breach than in their observance
The Government does not want to enforce anti-corruption laws
Ans.- C

Q6)-'To maintain themselves in the saddle' means :
To remain in state of preparedness
To be ready to run whenever danger is apprehended
To retain power in their hands by continuing in office
To play an unfair game
Ans.- C

In question (7 to 8 ) find out the synonym of the given word taken from the above passage


Ans.- B

To bend
To injure
To yield to temptation
To inure
Ans.- C

In question (9 to 10 ) find out the antonyms of the given word taken from the above passage


Ans.- D

Ans.- B

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