Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Q1)-In a queue, Vijay is fourteenth from the front and Jay is seventeenth from the end, while Mary is in between Vijay and Jay. If Vijay be ahead of Jay and there be 48 persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Vijay and Mary ?
Ans.- A
Total number of persons in the queue = 48
Number of persons between Vijay and Jay = 48 - (14 + 17) = 48 - 31 = 17
Given, Mary is in between Vijay and Jay i.e. in middle of 17 people. So, her position will be 9th from the position of Vijay.
Number of persons between Vijay and Mary = 8.

Q2)-A, B, C, D and E, when arranged in descending order of their weight from top, A becomes third, E is between D and A, C and D are not at the top. Who among them is the second?
Data inadeqaute
Ans.- A
The arrangement in descending order of their weight from top:
C is the second from the top.

Q3)-If it is possible to make a number which is perfect square of a two-digit odd number with the second, the sixth and ninth digits of the number 187642539. Which of the following is the digit in the unit's place of that two-digit odd number?
Ans.- B
The second, the sixth and ninth digits of the number 187642539 are 8, 2 and 9 respectively.
Since, a perfect square number doesn't contain 8 and 2 at its unit place.
Therefore, only two three-digit numbers can be made from it i.e. 829 and 289.
And, among these two, 289 is a perfect square i.e. square of 17.
The required unit digit is 7.

Q4)-In a certain code language PATHOLOGIST is written as PIUBQKSRHFN. How is CONTROVERSY written in that code?
Ans.- A

Q5)-In a certain code, ‘253’ means 'books are old'; '546' means 'man is old' and '378' means 'buy good books'. What stands for "are" in the code?
Ans.- A
‘253’ means ‘books are old' --(i)
'546' means 'man is old' --(ii)
'378' means 'buy good books' --(iii)
From (i) and (ii), 'old' and '5' are common. So, old = 5.
From (i) and (iii), '3' and 'books' are common. so, books = 3.
From (i), are = 2.

B > E ≥ L, N = G ≥ B, M ≤ P < L
I. G ≥ L
II. E > P
III. B > M
Only I and II are true
Only II and III are true
Only I is true
Only I and III are true
Ans.- B
B > E ≥ L, N = G ≥ B, M ≤ P < L
.’. N = G ≥ B > E ≥ L > P ≥ M
I. G ≥ L : FALSE : Since, G ≥ B and B > L. So, G > L is true.
II. E > P : TRUE: Since, E ≥ L > P. So, E > P is true.
III. B > M: TRUE: From given statements, B > L and L > M. So, B > M is true

Q7)-Kailash faces towards north. Turning to his right, he walks 25 metres. He then turns to his left and walks 30 metres. Next, he moves 25 metres to his right. He then turns to the right again and walks 55 metres. Finally, he turns to the right and moves 40 metres. In which direction is he now from his starting point?
Ans.- D

Q8)-What does 'Ne' stands for in the code language?
I. 'Na Ni Nok Ne' means 'I will tell you' and 'Ni Nok Ne Nam' means 'he will tell you' in that code language.
II. 'Ni Ne Mo Nam' means 'will he call you' and 'Ne Mok Sac Ni' means 'how will you go' in that code language.
Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question but statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements I and II are together sufficient to answer the question but neither of them sufficient alone to answer.
Both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
Ans.- D

Q9)-In the question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
The civic authority has appealed to the citizens to cooperate in curbing rampant power theft in the locality.
I. The local citizens’ groups may respond to the request and form groups of people to detect such cases of power theft.
II. Those who are engaged in stealing power may stop doing so for fear of social castigation.
Only Assumption I is implicit
Only Assumption II is implicit
Either Assumption I or II is implicit
Neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
Ans.- B

H < A ≤ V < L, M = H, J > K ≥ M
I. L > M
II. J > V
None is true
Only I and II are true
Only II is true
Only I is true
Ans.- D
H < A ≤ V < L, M = H, J > K ≥ M
.’. J > K ≥ M = H < A ≤ V < L
I. L > M : TRUE: Since, L > A and A > M. So, L > M is true.
II. J > V : FALSE : No relationship between J and V can be established.

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