Sunday, December 3, 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Q1)-Statement: Since its launching in 1981, Vayudoot has so far accumulated losses amounting to Rs 153 crore.
Courses of Action:
1. Vayudoot should be directed to reduce wasteful expenditure and to increase passenger fare.
2. An amount of about Rs 300 crore should be provided to Vayudoot to make the airliner economically viable.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- A
Clearly, for better economic gain, losses should be reduced and income increased. So, only course I follows.

Q2)-Statement: Most of those who study in premier engineering colleges in India migrate to developed nations for better prospects in their professional pursuits.
Courses of Action:
1. All the students joining these colleges should be asked to sign a bond at the time of admission to the effect that they will remain in India at least for ten years after they complete education.
2. All those students who desire to settle in the developed nations should be asked to pay entire cost of their education which the government subsidises.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- B
Clearly, no student can be bound to live and work in the country against his wish. So, I does not follow. However, it is quite right to recover the extra benefits awarded to students if they do not serve their own country. So, II follows.

Q3)-Statement: As stated in the recent census report the female to male ratio is alarmingly low.
Courses of Action:
1. The government should conduct another census to verify the results.
2. The government should immediately issue orders to all the departments to encourage people to improve the ratio.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- B
A census is always conducted with the utmost precision, leaving chances of only negligible differences. So, I does not follow. Further, the ratio can be improved by creating awareness among the masses and abolishing female foeticide. Thus, only course II follows.

Q4)-Statement: The sale of a particular product has gone down considerably causing great concern to the company.
Courses of Action:
1. The company should make a proper study of rival products in the market.
2. The price of the product should be reduced and quality improved.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- A
Clearly, a study of rival products in the market will help assess the cause for the lowering down of sales and then a suitable action can be taken. Thus, only I follow.

Q5)-Statement: Doordarshan is concerned about the quality of its programmes particularly in view of stiff competition it is facing from STAR and other satellite TV channels and is contemplating various measures to attract talent for its programmes.
Courses of Action:
1. In an effort to attract talent, the Doordarshan has decided to revise its fee structure for the artists.
2. The fee structure should not be revised until other electronic media also revise it.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- A
Clearly, the decision to revise its fee structure for artists is taken by Doordarshan as a remedy to the challenging problem that had arisen before it. It cannot wait till other media take action. So, only course I follows.

Q6)-Statement: The State Government has decided to declare 'Kala Azar' as a notifiable disease under the Epidemics Act. Family members or neighbours of the patient are liable to be punished in case they did not inform the State authorities.
Courses of Action:
1. Efforts should be made to effectively implement the Act.
2. The cases of punishment should be propagated through mass media so that more people become aware of the stern actions.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Both I and II follows
Ans.- D
The Act is aimed at eradication of the disease and so it needs to be proclaimed and promoted. So, both the courses follow.

Q7)-Statement: The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action:
1. CBI should try to catch the officer red-handed and then take a strict action against him.
2. CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- A
Clearly, one complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red-handed and then strict action taken against him. So, only course I follows.

Q8)-Statement: On an average, about twenty people are run over by trains and die every day while crossing the railway tracks through the level crossing.
Courses of Action:
1. The railway authorities should be instructed to close all the level crossings.
2. Those who are found crossing the tracks, when the gates are closed, should be fined heavily

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- B
The accidents can clearly be prevented by barring people from crossing the tracks when the gates are closed, So, only II follows.

Q9)-Statement: In spite of the Principal's repeated warnings, a child was caught exploding crackers secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
1. All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
2. The child should be severely punished for his wrong act.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Ans.- B
Since the act has been repeated despite various warnings, so course I would only be another warning and would not help. Severe punishment to set example for him and others is inevitable. Thus, course II shall follow.

Q10)-Statement: A very large number of students have failed in the final high school examination due to faulty questions in one of the subjects.
Courses of Action:
1. All the students who have failed in the subject should be allowed to take supplementary examination.
2. All those who are responsible for the error should be suspended and an enquiry should be initiated to find out the facts.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Both I and II follows
Ans.- D
There being faulty questions in the examination paper is a blunder on the part of school management and students should not be made to suffer on account of this. Thus, a re-test should be organised for the students and those responsible for the error be penalised to prevent reoccurrence of such mistake in the future. Hence, both the courses follow.

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