Saturday, December 16, 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Q1 – Q5: Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W are sitting around a circular table facing the center. Each has different professions – CA, CS, ICWA, FCA, Lawyer, IAS, Engineer and Pilot – but not necessary in the same order.
~ Q sits second to the left of W’s husband, who is neither an FCA nor a Engineer.
~ No female is an immediate neighbor of Q.
~ S’s daughter sits second to the right of U and on the immediate left of ICWA.
~ U, who is sister of V, is a Engineer.
~ U is not an immediate neighbor of W’s husband.
~ S’s daughter is a CA. 
~ Only one person is sitting between P and U.
~ W’s brother S sits on the immediate left of his mother, who is an IAS.
~ P is the father of V. Only one person sits between W’s mother and T. 
~ T sits on the immediate right of the person who is a CS. 
~ Only one person sits between W and V. 
~ V sits second to the right of the person who is a pilot.
~ V is mother of R and not an immediate neighbor of T.
1. Who amongst the following is S’s daughter ?
a. Q
b. R
c. T
d. V
e. W
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given information and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
a. U
b. R
c. T
d. W
e. V
3. The person who is a Lawyer is sitting between which of the following persons ?
a. CA and FCA
b. IAS and CA
c. CS and ICWA
d. FCA ana Engineer
e. None of these
4. Who among the following is a Pilot ?
a. Can’t be determined 
b. Mother of R
c. R
d. P
e. None of these
5. What is the position of P with respect to his grandson ?
a. Immediate left
b. Third to the left
c. Immediate right
d. Second to the right
e. Fourth to the left
6. Neelam, who is Rohit’s daughter, says to Indu, your mother Reeta is the younger sister of my father, who is third child of Sohanji. How is Sohanji related to Indu?
a) Maternal Uncle 
b) Father 
c) Grandfather
d) Father-in-law 
e) None of these
7. If ‘A × D’ means ‘A is sister of D’, ‘A + D’ means ‘D is the daughter of A’ and ‘A ÷ D’ means ‘A is the mother of D’, then how will ‘N is the aunt of M’ be denoted?
a) M + L × N
b) M ÷ L + N
c) L × N ÷ M
d) N × L ÷ M
e) None of these
8. A direction pole was situated on the road crossing. Due to an accident, the pole turned in such a manner that the pointer which was showing East, started showing South. Sita, a traveler went to the wrong direction thinking it to be West. In what direction actually she was traveling?
a) North 
b) West 
c) East
d) South 
e) None of these
9. 5 friends are sitting on a bench. A is to the left of B but on the right of C. D is to the right of B but on the left of E. Who are at the extremes?
a) A, B 
b) A, D 
c) B, D
d) C, E 
e) None of these
10. Ayush remembers that Sanjay’s birthday is certainly after January 12 but not later than 16th January. If Mehar remembers that Sanjay’s birthday is before 17th of January but not before 13th January. On which of the following day was Sanjay’s birthday?
a) 14th 
b) 15th 
c) 16th
d) Either 14th or 15th 
e) None of these

Q1 – Q5
1 – c
2 – b
3 – e
4 – c
5 – c
Q6 – Q10
6 – c
7 – d
8 – a
The pointer which was showing West started showing South. Hence, the pointer turned 90° clockwise. Now, Sita went to the direction thinking it as West. The original direction will be +90° clockwise i.e. North direction.
9 – d
Left C A B D E Right
Clearly, C and E are at the extremes.
10 – d
Days by Ayush 13, 14, 15 in January
Days by Mehar 14, 15, 16 in January
Clearly, 14th and 15th January are common in both the groups

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