Thursday, December 7, 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (Q1. to Q3.): In each of the following questions, there is a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II and III. Select the correct answer from the options given below each question.
Statement: The chairman of the car company announced in the meeting that all trial of its first product, the new car model ‘M’, are over and company plans to launch its car in the market after six months.
Courses of action:
I. The network of dealers is to be finalised and all legal, financial and other matters in this connection will have to be finalised shortly.
II. The company will have to make plan for product other than car.
III. Material, managerial and other resources will have to be in fine tune to maintain production schedule.
1) Only I and III
2) Only I
3) All I, II and III
4) Only II
5) None of these
Statement: The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of valves supplied by Company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire order quoting use of inferior-quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The Company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The Company ‘A’ should inspect all the valves rejected by Company ‘X’.
III. The Company ‘A’ should inform Company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.
1) Only I and III
2) Only II
3) All I, II and III
4) II and either I or III
5) None of these
Statement: Residents from Model Colony coming under North Ward of City ‘X’ have complained to the Ward Officer that for last three days the tap water in the ward is contaminated and no action is being initiated by the municipal staff.
Courses of action:
I. The Ward Officer of North Ward should initiate action against residents who have lodged complaints against municipal staff.
II. The Ward Officer should ask his junior officer to visit Model Colony with his staff to asses the actual condition of water and to get samples of water tested from laboratories.
III. The Ward Officer should ask Ward Engineer to check water installation and pipelines in the Model Colony area.
1) Only I and II
2) Only II and III
3) Only either I or III and II
4) Only I and III
5) None of these
Q4. A study reveals that families where parents cannot give sufficient time to their children report disturbed behaviour of children and poor performance of the child at school.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the statement?
1. Studies regarding behaviour of children of single parents have reported similar findings.
2. A good and healthy child-parent relationship helps the child in adjustment at home and school.
3. A high correlation has been found between good adjustment of the child with his peers/friends and high performance in the school.
4. Schools have now started counseling parents to spend happy and meaningful time with their children.
5. Well adjusted children show lot of love and respect for their parents.
Directions (Q5. – Q6.): In making decision about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between “Strong” arguments and “Weak” arguments so far as they relate to the question. “Strong” arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. “Weak” arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
Each question below is followed by a statement and two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a “Strong” argument and which is a “Weak” argument.
Give answer (1) if only argument I is strong.
Give answer (2) if only argument II is strong.
Give answer (3) if either I or II is strong.
Give answer (4) if neither I nor II is strong.
Give answer (5) if both I and II are strong.
Statement: Should postal services be privatised in India?
I. Yes, it will make life easy for the citizens of India.
II. No, privatisation is not a panacea for all the problems, even private service can be equally bad.
Statement: Should system of offering jobs only to wards of government employees be introduced in all government offices in India?
I. No, it denies opportunity to many deserving individuals and government may stand to loose to the long run.
II. No, it is against the principle of equality and does government not owe responsibility to all its citizens.
Directions (Q7. to Q8.): In each of the questions below, a statement is given, followed by two assumptions. You have to decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the given statement. Choose the correct answer from the options given below each question.
Statement: The employees’ association has appealed to the Managers of company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far, the company ‘S’ used to select candidates without conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify competent persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.
1) Only I and II
2) Only II and III
3) Only III
4) Only I and III
5) None of these
Statement: The simplest and most cost-effecitve way to upgrade your home – exchange your old furniture and get 25% to 33% off on the new furniture: – An advertisement of a furniture company.
I. Nowadays there is no demand for furniture product unless some attractive scheme is offered.
II. Some customers always desire to have best quality and do not bother either for cost or for convenience.
III. Some customers want to keep their home up-to-date with reasonable cost.
1) Only III
2) Only II
3) Only I
4) Only I and II
5) None of these
Directions (Q9. to Q10.): In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows.
Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows.
Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows.
Give answer (3) if either I or II follows.
Give answer (4) if neither I nor II follows, and
Give answer (5) if both I and II follow.
Statement: Society provides an opportunity for personality developement and, at its best, promotes the personality of its members.
I. Individuals brought up in total isolation from any human contact cannot get an opportunity for development of their personality.
II. Development of personality has no implication for any society.
Statement: Being from a business family, Chandan was apparently convinced by his parents and other family members to join the family trade.
I. People should take up their family profession so that family prospers.
II. It is necessary to keep family members happy by choosing family’s business.

Q1. 1)
Both courses of action I and III follow from the given statement. Since the trial is over now, the obvious course of action is to finalise the dealers and all legal, financial and other matters, if they already have not been taken care of. Also, the company should see that the material, managerial and other resources are in fine tune.
Q2. 1)
Since Company ‘As’ valves have been rejected on account of inferior quality material, the company should investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments and also inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement of valves. Inspection of all the valves is not a feasible course of action. In such cases, a sample is tested and not the entire lot.
Q3. 2)
Since the residents have complained that the tap water is contaminated, the Ward Officer should ask the person concerned to assess the condition and get water samples tested. Also, he should get the water installation and pipelines checked by Ward Engineer.
Q4. 3)
Option (3) weakens the given statement. If high correlation is found between good adjustment of child with peers and high performance in school, then even if the child does not share good relations with his parents, his performance at school shouldn’t be disturbed.
Q5. 2)
Only argument II is strong. If privatization does not solve problems and is equally bad, then there is no point in privatizing postal services. Making life easy is not a very strong reason for privatizing postal services.
Q6. 5)
Both the arguments are strong. Offering government jobs only to the wards of existing employees goes against the principle of equality. Also, it denies opportunity to deserving candidates.
Q7. 1)
Since the employees’ association has appealed to the Managers of company ‘S’ to introduce written examination, we can assume that so far the company has been selecting candidates without conducting a written examination. The employees’ association has asked to introduce written examination so as to prevent the selection of incompetent persons. From this assumption II can be inferred. Nothing has been said about higher level written examination. So, assumption III is not implicit.
Q8. 1)
Assumption I is not implicit since nothing has been said about the demand for furniture. The offer can be an advertising strategy to increase sales. The statement talks about cost effective way to upgrade homes. Nothing has been said about quality. So, assumption II is incorrect. Assumption III follows. The statement says that it is the simplest way to upgrade your home. So we can assume that the customers want to keep their homes up-to-date. They want to do it with reasonable cost can also be assumed from the fact that the company claims it to be cost effective.
Q9. 4)
Neither of the conclusions follow. The statement only says that society provides an opportunity for personality development; it does not mean that a person brought up in total isolation from human contact cannot get an opportunity for development of his personality. There may be other things that provide opportunities. Conclusion II is incorrect since nothing has been said about the implication of development of personality.
Q10. 4)
Neither of the conclusions follow. The statement gives one scenario; it tells about what happened with Chandan. It cannot be generalized. Family can prosper without people taking up their family profession and family members can be happy even if the family members do not choose family’s profession.

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