Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Computer Quiz

Q1. In XHTML, what is the meaning of X?
a. extreme
b. exclusive
c. extensible
d. examine
e. None of thes
Q2. What is the full form of XSLT?
a. Extensible Sectorsheet Language Transformation
b. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transmit
c. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
d. Extensible Stylesheet Limit Transformation
e. None of thes
Q3. _______ is an international organization that develops Web standards.
a. Connect America
b. Google
c. W3C
d. Intel
e. None of these
Q4. A ________ is an image that represents an audio signal or recording?
a. waveform
b. byte
c. MP3
d. MP4
e. None of these
Q5. _______ is term that was introduced in 2004 and refers to the second generation of the World Wide Web.
a. G2
b. Web 2.0
c. Web 3.0
d. ISP
e. None of these
Q6. A ________ is a way of interlinking related Web sites so that people can visit many similar Web sites by just following the Web ring link on each page.
a. weblink
b. webring
c. cache
d. markup
e. None of these
Q7. _________ is security protocol for Wi-Fi networks?
a. Ethernet code
b. Web Protocol
c. Algorithm
d. WEP
e. None of these
Q8. ________ is an Internet service that finds information about a domain name or IP address.
a. White Site
c. Google
d. Widget
e. None of these
Q9. Full form of BWA?
a. border wireless access
b. broadband wireless access
c. broadband wireless action
d. broadband wired access
e. None of these
Q10. Block on buffer caches are used _______?
a. to handle interrupts
b. to increase capacity of main memory
c. to improve disk performance
d. to speed op main memory read operation
e. None of these

  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. a
  5. b
  6. b
  7. d
  8. b
  9. b
  10. c

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