Friday, January 19, 2018

Computer Quiz

Q1. Corel draw is a/an –––
1) Graphic design software 
2) Animation program
3) Vector based device 
4) All of the above 
5) None of these

Q2. Which is a system software ?
1) BIOS software 
2) Device driver software i.e. graphics driver 
3) Assembler and Compiler software
4) Operating system 
5) All of the above

Q3. Which of the following key takes you from one field to another, one button to another, one icon to another etc ?
1) Ctrl 
2) Tab 
3) Shift 
4) Function keys 
5) None of these

Q4. Which is definitely true about freeware ?
1) It’s a software. 
2) Office suite is an example of freeware.
3) Email is an example of freeware. 
4) Freeware is in contrast to commercial software.
5) All of the above

Q5. Use of ESC key is –
1) To cancel. 
2) To get rid of something like box or window.
3) To hold a window. 
4) All of the above 
5) None of these

Q6. Animation art is designed in –––
1) CAD software 
2) Power point 
3) Corel draw 
4) Photo editor software
5) None of these

Q7. A personal digital assistant can access the internet via ––––
1) Only Bluetooth 
2) Only cable 
3) Wi–Fi or Wireless Wide Area networks
4) All of the above 
5) None of these

Q8. An electromechanical device which converts the text and graphical documents from electronic form to the physical form is known as –––
1) Printer 
2) Scanner 
3) Kindle 
4) Smart phones 
5) None of these

Q9. Which of the following is two principle functions of IP address ?
1) Host confirmation and possession. 
2) Host identification and location addressing.
3) Availability of network and source code. 
4) Host notation and decoding. 
5) None of these

Q10. Which of the following is the smallest unit of memory ?
1) ZB 
2) PB 
3) YB 
4) TB 
5) EB


Q1 – 1
Q2 – 5
Q3 – 2
Q4 – 5
Q5 – 5
Q6 – 1
Q7 – 3
Q8 – 1
Q9 – 2
Q10 – 4

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