Friday, January 5, 2018

English Quiz

Directions (1 to 5): In the following passage, a set of seven statements denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) are given. Keeping (A) as the first statement, rearrange the other six statements (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) & (G) to make a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions that follow.
(A) Galileo Galleli was one of the greatest scientific pioneers who is still remembered.
(B) It darkened his life and all his achievements.
(C) It shows us the new worlds of the heavens, stars, etc.
(D) The Church imposed a ban on him.
(E) Despite his fame, his support of the Copernican Theory that the earth moved round the sun created problem for him.
(F) It was because of this, that he was held in high esteem.
(G) His name lives on as that of an astronomer who perfected the refracting telescope.
Q.1. Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement ?
1) C
2) D
3) E
4) F
5) G
Q.2. Which of the following should be the THIRD statement after rearrangement ?
1) C
2) D
3) E
4) F
5) G
Q.3. Which of the following should be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement ?
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) E
5) F
Q.4. Which of the following should be the SIXTH statement after rearrangement ?
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) E
5) F
Q.5. Which of the following should be the SEVENTH (LAST) statement after rearrangement ?
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) E
5) F
Directions (Q. 6-15): In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fills the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Amid rumours of the government planning a crackdown, on stock speculation, the Shanghai stock index ___(06)__ 8.8 per cent on February 27th, its __(07)__ one day drop in a decade. __(08)__ usual for China’s stock markets, investors in New York’s equity markets saw this and sent the Dow Jones industrial index down more than 400 points. The drop in New York’s index in turn __(09)__ fear in markets across Asia the following day and suddenly stock indexes across the world __(10)__. This chain reaction plainly __(11)__ the increasingly __(12)__ place that China now occupies in the minds of global investors. Its extraordinary economic run has been the key reason for __(13)__ demand for everything from copper to cars much to the __(14)__ of multinational and Chinese investors alike. But while investors are right about China’s growing economic importance to the world they are still confused about how to __(15)__ a decline in Chinese stocks.
1) plunged
2) fallen
3) triggered
4) gained
5) slips
1) substantial
2) significant
3) dismal
4) biggest
5) peak
1) However
2) Being
3) Despite
4) Because
5) Though
1) heighten
2) fuelled
3) predicted
4) ignored
5) instil
1) stumble
2) corrected
3) tumbled
4) stabilised
5) dive
1) reflect
2) strengthened
3) caused
4) demonstrated
5) emphasis
1) privileged
2) prominent
3) tangible
4) feasible
5) worthwhile
1) variable
2) risen
3) fallen
4) volatile
5) soaring
1) risk
2) detriment
3) benefit
4) impact
5) concern
1) interpret
2) deal
3) cope
4) welcome
5) indicate

Answers with Solutions 
Answers for Question No.(1 – 5):The correct sequence is AGCFEDB. Sentence A fits in the beginning as it introduces the subject, Galileo Galleli. GCF can be established as a sequence because ‘his’ in G refers to Galileo Galleli. The sentence talks about his invention (telescope). ‘It’ in C refers to ‘telescope’ in G that shows stars and other heavenly bodies. F follows next because it talks about the fame that he gained from his telescope. EDB is another sequence where E talks about his Copernican Theory. ‘Problem’ mentioned in E is described in D. B concludes the paragraph by stating that the ban that was imposed on him darkened his life and achievements. The second sentence is G.
Answers for Question No.(6 – 15):

Q.6. 1 
Q.7. 4
Q.8. 5
Q.9. 2
Q.10. 3
Q.11. 4
Q.12. 1
Q.13. 5
Q.14. 3
Q.15. 1

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