Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (Q1-Q5): Read the information given below and answer the questions.
Eight members in a family P, Q, R, S, T, X, Y and Z sitting around a circular table facing the center but not necessarily in the same order. Their seating arrangement is as follows.

 R is the father of Q and Q is the father of T.
 Z is the maternal grandfather of X and sits second to the left of his daughter.
 X is the brother of T who is not adjacent to Y.
 R’s wife is sitting third to the left of Z’s wife, who is not S.
 T’s mother sits second to the left of S. P is not the mother of T.
 No two females are adjacent to each other. R is not adjacent to his wife.
 S sits second to the left of her son.
Q1. Who sits second to the left of Z’s wife?
a. P
b. Q
c. T
d. R
e. X
Q2. Who is the mother of X?
a. P
b. S
c. Y
d. Either (b) or (c)
e. Either (a) or (b)
Q3. Who sits second to the right of S’s daughter-in-law?
a. Z
b. T
c. X
d. S
e. P
Q4. Who is the paternal grandmother of T?
a. P
b. S
c. Y
d. Either (a) or (b)
e. Either (b) or (c)
Q5. How many females are there in the family?
a. Four 
b. Three
c. Five 
d. Two 
e. Data inadequate
Directions (Q6-Q10): Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
In a certain code language,
(i) “I went to play bat and ball” is coded as “ma lp su ho pw jh rz”
(ii) “I came yet went” is coded as “ma rz ba wo”
(iii) “play and be healthy” is coded as “gm ho lp yq”
(iv) “play ball yet bat” is coded as “lp ba su pw”
(v) “to ball” is coded as “pw jh”
Q6. Which of the following is coded as “ba”?
a. I
b. went
c. yet
d. came
e. None of these
Q7. Which of the following can be the code for “I went be healthy”?
a. yq gm rz ma
b. yq ho rz ba
c. ho rz gm ma
d. su yq rz ma
e. Cannot be determined
Q8. What is the code for “to”?
a. pw
b. jh
c. ba
d. su
e. Cannot be determined
Q9. Which of the following may be coded as “lp su” in the code language?
a. bat ball
b. play ball
c. went to
d. play bat
e. Cannot be determined
Q10. What is the code for “bat and ball”?
a. su ho ba
b. gm su pw
c. pw ho lp
d. ho lp gm
e. None of these

Correct Arrangement: 

Q1.  c
Q2. c
Q3. d
Q4. b
Q5. b

Q6. c
Q7. a
Q8. b
Q9. d

Q10. e

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