Saturday, December 2, 2017

English Quiz

Directions for questions 1 to 10: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Most of us are ...(1)... of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a ...(2)... to expressing and working through conflict. If the working through involves harsh words and name-calling people feel deeply hurt and relationships can be ...(3)..., some times permanently. Some group members may be afraid that if they really ...(4)... their anger, they may go out of control and become violent. These fears can be very ...(5)... and based on experience. So why take the risk? Why not avoid conflict at all costs? Conflict is rather like a disease, therefore ...(6)... is best. That means attending to areas where ...(7)... may occur before they become an issue. If you have not ...(8)... a conflict happening, your next choice is to treat it early, or hope that it goes away. If it goes away over time, fine. If it ...(9)..., then you will still have to handle (treat) it and it is likely to be more ...(10)....

1) scared
2) careful
3) reckless
4) aware
5) worried
1) challenge
2) measure
3) principle
4) chance
5) risk
1) established
2) maligned
3) damaged
4) rebuilt
5) involved
1) sublimate
2) express
3) minimize
4) regulate
5) control
1) baseless
2) imaginary
3) exaggerative
4) real
5) national
1) cure
2) diagnosis
3) prescription
4) prevention
5) medicine
1) harmony
2) discomfiture
3) distortion
4) consensus
5) statement
1) expressed
2) prevented
3) induced
4) seen
5) perverted
1) doesn’t
2) won’t
3) don’t
4) not
5) hasn’t
1) credible
2) serious
3) fraudulent
4) urgent
5) skilled
Directions for questions (Q. 11 to 15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5), i.e. No Error. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1) Mangal Pandey was well known
2) for his involvement
3) in the initial stages
4) of the Indian rebellion.
5) No Error
1) Most of the India?s population still lives
2) in its villages and thus the contribution of
3) agriculture to Indian economy
4) becomes very important.
5) No Error
1) Catherine?s grandfather always
2) lost his balance while walking
3) and would be found lying
4) by the road.
5) No Error
1) Her doctor was
2) annoyed because she
3) ignore her health
4) even after being hospitalised twice.
5) No Error
1) Raghav was worry
2) about telling his parents
3) that he wanted to move out
4) and live independently.
5) No Error 

Solutions ▼
Answer.1. Option (1) ‘scared’ is the correct answer because the passage talks about the risks involved in being a part of an open conflict as mentioned in the statement ‘why take the risk?’ Also, there is a mention of serious consequences of open-conflict. Option (2) ‘careful’ is a very light word in the light of the consequences given.
Answer.2. 5; Anything is risky if it has dire consequences. Similarly, there is a ‘risk’ in getting involved in an open conflict as it is followed by serious consequences. Hence, option (5) is the correct answer.
Answer.3. 3; Option (3) is correct. Open conflicts can damage relationships because as a result of conflict, ‘people feel deeply hurt’.
Answer.4. 2; Option (2) is correct because only if anger is ‘expressed’, people can ‘go out of control’ and ‘become violent’.
Answer.5. 4; Option (4) is correct. The fear of open conflict can be very ‘real’ because the statement states that these fears are based on experience. Any knowledge that is based on experience is real.
Answer.6. 4; Option (4) is correct because a open-conflict is being compared to a disease and the age-old phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ originated in this context. So, just like you should take precautions to prevent being attacked by a disease, similarly you should avoid any kind of open-conflict. The next statement also talks about attending to areas that you think can fester bitterness and become an issue.
Answer.7. 2; Option (2) is correct. A person can rise to confront you if he is feeling uncomfortable with something you have said or done. So you should attend to areas you presume ‘discomfiture’ may occur.
Answer.8. 2; Option (2) is the correct answer because you will be required to treat a conflict only if you have not prevented the conflict from happening beforehand.
Answer.9. 1; Option (1) is the correct answer because it is in simple present tense, just like the first part of the statement ‘if it goes away..’, and therefore adheres to the rule of tenses. Options (2), (3), (4) and (5) are grammatically incorrect in the given context.
Answer.10. 2; Option (2) is the correct answer because the pronoun ‘it’ in the statement refers to open-conflict, which can become serious if it doesn’t go away with time.
Answer.11. 5; There is no error is in the given question. Hence, option (5) is the correct answer.
Answer.12. 1; The error is in part (1). The correct phrase is ‘Indian population’. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
Answer.13. 2; Replace “Lost” with “Lose”, because it is the habit of Catherines Grandfather, which still persists with him.
Answer.14. 3; The error is in part (3). Since the sentence talks of the past, the verb ‘ignore’ must be replaced by ‘ignored’. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.
Answer.15. 1; The error is in part (1). The given sentence talks of the past, the verb ‘worry’ must be replaced by ‘worried’. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.

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