Saturday, December 2, 2017

Quant Quiz - Time & Work

Q1)-A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is :
Ans.- D 

A's 1 day's work = 1/15
B's 1 day's work = 1/20
( A + B )'s 1 days's work = ( 1/15 + 1/20 ) = 7/60
(A + B)'s 4 day's work = (7/60 x 4 ) = 7/15
Therefore, Remaining work = ( 1 - 7/15) =8/15

Q2)-A and B complete a work in 6 days. A alone can do it in 10 days. If both together can do the work in how many days?
3.75 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
Ans.- A

1/6 + 1/10 = 8/30 = 4/15
15/4 = 3.75 days

Q3)-Mr. Ram is on tour and he has Rs 360 for his expenses. If he exceeds his tour by 4 days he must cut down daily expenses by Rs 3. The number of days of Mr. Ram's tour programme is
28 days
20 days
32 days
24 days
Ans.- B

Let Ram under takes a tour of x days.
Then, expenses for each day = 360/x
360/x+4 =360/x -3
x = 20 and -24
Hence , x = 20 days

Q4)-Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do a job. How long should it take both A and B, working together to do same job.
Ans.- D

A's 1 hour work is 1/8
B's 1 hour work is 1/10
(A+B)'s 1 hour work = 1/8 + 1/10 = 9/40
So both will finish the work in 40/9 hours = 4(4/9)

Q5)-A does a work in 10 days and B does the same work in 15 days. In how many days they together will do the same work ?
5 days
6 days
7 days
8 days
Ans.- B

A's 1 day work = 1/10
B's 1 day work = 1/15
(A+B)'s 1 day work = (1/10 + 1/15)={(3 + 2)/30}=1/6
So, together they can complete work in 6 days

Q6)-A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days. They work together for 5 days, the rest of the work is finished by C in two more days. If they get Rs. 3000 as wages for the whole work, what are the daily wages of A, B and C respectively (in Rs):
200, 250, 300
300, 200, 250
200, 300, 400
None of these
Ans.- B

A's 5 days work = 50%
B's 5 days work = 33.33%
C's 2 days work = 16.66% [100-50+33.33)]
Ratio of contribution of work of A, B and C = 3 : 2 : 1
A's total share = Rs. 1500
B's total share = Rs. 1000
C's total share = Rs. 500
A's one day's earning = Rs.300
B's one day's earning = Rs.200
C's one day's earning = Rs.250

Q7)-A completes a work in 12 days and B complete the same work in 24 days. If both of them work together, then the number of days required to complete the work will be
8 days
6 days
5 days
10 days
Ans.- A

If A can complete a work in x days and B can complete the same work in y days, then, bothof them together can complete the work in x y/ x+ y days
Therefore, here, the required number of days = 12 × 24/ 36 = 8 days.

Q8)-A, B and C can do a piece of work in 24 days, 30 days and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but C left 4 days before the completion of the work. In how many days was the work completed?
11 days
12 days
13 days
14 days
Ans.- A

One day's work of A, B and C = (1/24 + 1/30 + 1/40) = 1/10
C leaves 4 days before completion of the work, which means only A and B work during the last 4 days.
Work done by A and B together in the last 4 days = 4 (1/24 + 1/30) = 3/10
Remaining Work = 7/10, which was done by A,B and C in the initial number of days.
Number of days required for this initial work = 7 days.
Thus, the total numbers of days required = 4 + 7 = 11 days.

Q9)-Anand finishes a work in 7 days, Bittu finishes the same job in 8 days and Chandu in 6 days. They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the first day, Bittu on the second and Chandu on the third day and then Anand again and so on. On which day will the work get over ?
Ans.- B

In the 1st day Anand does 1/7th of total work . Similarly , Bithu does 1/8 th work in the 2nd day, hence at the end of 3 days , work done = 1/7 + 1/8 + 1/6 = 73/168
remaining work = (168 - 73)/168 = 95/168
again after 6 days of work , remaining work is = (95 - 73) / 168= 22/168
and hence Anand completes the work on 7th day

Q10)-A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do same work in half the time taken by A. then working together, what part of same work they can finish in a day
Ans.- B

A's 1 day work = 1/18
B's 1 day work = 1/9
(A+B)'s one day work = ( 1/18 + 1/9 )
( (1+2)/18)= 1/6

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