Tuesday, December 5, 2017

English Quiz

Q1)-The judge let him off with a ______ rather than a _______ sentence since it was his first offence.
prison, fine
fine, prison
fine, warning
reminder, verdict
Ans.- B

Q2)-I was afraid that my daughter’s ankle was _______ during the soccer game, but it was just badly ________ from a kick to the shin.
broken, bruised
defective, shattered
crushed, spitted
cracked, broken
Ans.- A

Q3)-Even though my air conditioning unit works very ______ , the temperature still tends to _____ in my house during the summer months.
fine, concentrate
good, wave
well, fluctuate
until, carry
Ans.- C

Q4)-The pirates had the _______ to try and ________ the presidential yacht.
boldness, receive
manacle, destroy
bravery, collect
audacity, steal
Ans.- D

Q5)-_______ to ultra-violet rays from the sun can lead to skin cancer, so it is necessary to _____ yourself with sunscreen.
Revelation, dress
Exposure, cover
Display, dome
Airing, Hood
Ans.- B

Q6)-The company will ______ into bankruptcy if it cannot _____ funds.
descend, raise
rise, find
decline, drop
penetrate, label
Ans.- A

Q7)-If you shop ______ , you can find some real ______ for air tickets.
around, bargains
again, good
always, change
online, formation
Ans.- A

Q8)-Waste water when ________ into water bodies can ____ the aquatic life and environment.
discharged, harm
floated, regret
replaced, abuse
ejected, misuse
Ans.- A

Q9)-The ship was ______ ashore after being ________ by the waves for days on end.
kept, thrashed
drained, thrashed
brought, hydrated
washed, battered
Ans.- D

Q10)-If Sumit’s financial circumstance does not _________ , he will not be able to _______ his friends on their annual summer trip.
worsen, accompany
improve, join
upgrade, weave
augment, withdraw
Ans.- B

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