Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Reasoning Quiz - (New Pattern Baesd)

Directions (1-3): Question consists of Five statements followed by five conclusions. Consider the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions does not logically follow from the given statements using all statements together.

Q1. Statements: Some moon is light. All light is sun. Some sun is green. All green is tree. No tree is water.
(a) Some moon is sun.
(b) Some tree is sun.
(c) No green is water.
(d) Some sun is not water.
(e) None of these.

Q2. Statements: Some air is fly. All fly is sky. No fly is blue. Some blue is white. All white is black.
(a) Some air is sky.
(b) Some air is not blue.
(c) Some black is blue.
(d) Some air is black.
(e) No blue is fly.

Q3. StatementsSome green is tree. No tree is water. All water is air. Some water is earth. All earth is stone.
(a) Some green is not water.
(b) All tree being air is possibility.
(c) Some stone is water.
(d) All air being tree is possibility.
(e) None of these.

Directions (4-5): 
In the questions below are given two conclusions followed by five set of statements. You have to choose the correct set of statements that logically satisfies given conclusions either definitely or possibly. Assume the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.

Q4. Conclusions: Some M is L. Some O is M.
(a) Some L is M. All M is N. Some N is O. All O is P.
(b) Some L is O. All O is N. Some N is M. All M is P.
(c) Some L is N. All N is O. Some O is M. All M is P.
(d) Some L is P. All P is M. Some M is N. All N is O.
(e) None of these.

Q5. Conclusions: Some P is not Q. Some T is Q.
(a) Some P is R. No R is Q. All Q is S. Some S is T.
(b) Some P is R. All R is Q. No Q is S. All T is S.
(c) Some P is T. No T is Q. All S is Q. Some S is R.
(d) Some P is R. No R is Q. All Q is T. Some Q is S.
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. In a certain code language:-

“have been exempted under” is written as-  “ OI#5  YW@8  FM@4  BV@4”
“ service of access to” is written as- “ PL@2  DH@6  GU@2  FV#7”
“levy which was introduced” is written as-  “ OW@10  BH#3  IS#5  FB@4”

Q6. What is the code of ‘electricity’?
(a) MB#12
(b) MC#11
(c) NB#11
(d) MB#11
(e) None of these

Q7. What is the code of ‘industry’? 
(a) OD@8
(b) OC@8
(c) PB@8
(d) OB@18
(e) None of these

 Q8. Which will be the code for ‘union government’?
(a) OM#5  PG@10
(b) OM#15  PG@10
(c) OM#5  PQ@10
(d) ON#5  PG@10
(e) None of these

Q9. Which will be the code for ‘department’?
(a) FX@10
(b) FG@15
(c) FG@10
(d) FG@20
(e) None of these

Q10. Which will be the code for ‘science’?
(a) XV#7
(b) DV#17
(c) DV@7
(d) DV#7
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the information and answer the given questions:
Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on separate floors of a 7-floor building. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them belongs to different cities, viz Noida, Delhi, Agra, Meerut, Kanpur, Pune and Puri but not necessarily in the same order. Only three people live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the one belongs to Pune. U lives immediately below the one who belongs to Delhi. The one belongs to Delhi lives on an even-numbered floor. Only three people live between the ones belongs to Pune and Agra. T lives immediately above R. T does not belong to Agra. Only two people live between Q and the one who belongs to Kanpur. The one who belongs to Kanpur live below the floor on which Q lives. The one who belongs to Noida does not live immediately above or immediately below Q. S does not live immediately above or immediately below P. V does not belong to Meerut.

Q11. Which of the following is true with respect to V as per the given information?
(a) The one who lives immediately below V is belong to Delhi.
(b) V lives on floor no. 7.
(c) V lives immediately below T.
(d) V lives on the lowermost floor.
(e) V belongs to Pune.

Q12. Who among the following lives on floor no. 3?
(a) The one who belongs to Meerut
(b) The one who belongs to Kanpur
(c) R
(d) V
(e) T

Q13. Who lives on the floor immediately above T?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) S
(d) V
(e) U

Q14. S belongs to which of the following city?
(a) Delhi
(b) Pune
(c) Agra
(d) Kanpur
(e) Meerut

Q15. How many people live between the floors on which S and the one who belongs to Delhi?
(a) None
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) More than three
(e) Three


  1. e
  2. d
  3. d
  4. d
  5. d
  6. d
  7. e
  8. a
  9. c
  10. d
  11. a
  12. b
  13. e
  14. e
  15. b

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