Monday, December 11, 2017

Quant Quiz

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Directions (1 -5) : In of these questions, two equations I and II with variables x and y are given. You have to solve both the equations to find the values of x and y mark answer if

(a) If x > y
(b) If x >= y
(c) If x < y
(d) If x <= y
(e) If x = y or the relationship can't be established.



I. 4x – 2y = 10
II. x – y = 3



Directions (Q. 6-10): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

6. 124 215 342 511 ? 999
a) 695
b) 625
c) 728
d) 806
e) 573

7. 516 256 126 61 28.5 ?
a) 12.25
b) 16.75
c) 14.25
d) 20.20
e) 18.7

8. 7 21 50 109 ? 467
a) 198
b) 228
c) 372
d) 402
e) 275

9. 18 82 118 134 138 ?
a) 132
b) 198
c) 125
d) 138
e) 92

10. 5 22 103 406 ? 2422
a) 1516
b) 1298
c) 1136
d) 1602
e) 1213

1. Ans.(e)
x = √8
y = √8
So, x=y

2. Ans.(b)
x = 18
y = 18, -18
So, x>=y

3. Ans.(a)
x = 2
y = -1
So, x>y

4. Ans.(a)
x = 17
y = 9
So, x>y

5. Ans.(c)
x = -7, -3
y = 7, 8
So, x<y

6. c
The series is
5^3 – 1 = 124
6^3 – 1 = 215
7^3 – 1 = 342
8^3 – 1 = 511
9^3 – 1 = 728
10^3 – 1 = 999
Reqd answer = 728.

7. a;
The series is

8. b;
The series is

9. d;
The series is

10. e;
The series is

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