Saturday, December 9, 2017

Quant Quiz

Question.1. A car starts running at the speed of 45 km per hour. The speed of the car increases by 3 km per hour at the end of every one hour. What will be the distance covered at the end of twelve hours from the start of the journey?
a) 820 km 
b) 738 km 
c) 680 km
d) 915 km
e) None of these
Question.2. Gaurav started a business investing Rs. 30000. After six months Karanveer joined him with Rs. 45000. After another six months Rajveer also joined them with Rs. 67500. The profit earned at the end of 3 years when Gaurav started the business should be distributed among Gaurav, Karanveer and Rajveer in the ratio of
a) 4 : 5 : 6 
b) 4 : 3 : 6 
c) 5 : 4 : 7
d) 6 : 7 : 9 
e) None of these
Question.3. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 54. The sum of the digits is 12 and the digit at tens place is bigger than the digit at the units place. What is the two-digit number?
a) 84 
b) 93 
c) 66
d) 75 
e) None of these
Question.4. In an examination, Arohi scored 35 marks less than Vidushi. Vidushi scored 65 more marks than Meena. Ruchika scored 115 marks, which is 20 marks more than Meena’s. Richa scored 108 marks less than the maximum marks of the test. What approximate percentage of marks did Richa score in the examination, if he got 67 marks more than Arohi?
a) 68%
b) 57%
c) 64%
d) 82%
e) None of these
Question.5. Abhinav and Bindra can do a piece of work in 45 days and 40 days respectively. They began to do the work together but Abhinav leaves after some days and then Bindra completed the remaining work in 23 days. The number of days after which Abhinav left the work was:
(a) 7 days
(b) 10 days
(c) 9 days
(d) 15 days
(e) None of these
Question.6. On a sale of product with marked price Rs. 30000, a cunsumer has a choice between three successive discounts of 25%, 25% and 15% and three successive discounts of 45%, 10% and 10%. which is better offer and By choosing the better offer, he can save:
(a) Rs. 786.65 
(b) Rs. 978.75
(c) Rs. 915.45
(d) Rs. 885.45
(e) None of these
Question.7. Anand mishra buys a smartphone set listed at Rs. 20000 and gets 10% and 20% successive discounts. He spends 10% of his Cost Price on transport. At what price (in rupees) should he sell the phone to earn a profit of 10%?
(a) 17384
(b) 17404
(c) 17424
(d) 18644
(e) None of these
Question.8. Neeraj had Rs. 40,000 with him out of this money he lent some money to Shashank for 6 years at 20% p.a. simple interest. he lent the remaining money to Abhishek for an equal number of years at the rate of 24% p.a. After 3 years, neeraj found that Shashank had given her Rs. 1728 more as interest as compared to Abhishek. The amount of money which Neeraj had lent to Abhishek must be.
a) Rs. 18152 
b) Rs. 36343 
c) Rs. 3657 
d) Rs. 7314 
e) none of these
Question.9. A 420-m-long train takes 30 sec to cross a person who is going in the same direction with the speed of 9 km/h. After crossing that person, the train can reach next station in 60 min. How long will that person take to reach the station after being crossed by train?
a) 6 hr 36 min 
b) 8 hr 24 min 
c) 6 hr 60 min 
d) 9 hr 45 min 
e) 4 hr 36 min
Question.10. The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what percent would the width have to be decreased to maintain the same area ?
a) 37%
b) 76%
c) 62%
d) 60%
e) none of these

Since, the speed of car is increasing constant i.e. in Arithmetic Progression,
where, first term = speed of car initially = 45 Km/hr
difference = constant increment = 3 km/hr
Number of terms = number of hours = 12 hours 
hence, total distance = Sum = n/2 [2a+(n-1)d]
total distance = (12/2)[2×45 + (12-1)*3]
=6× (90+ 33)= 6×[123]= 738 km
Reqd. Ratio of Profit
Gaurav : Karanveer : Rajveer
30000×36 : 45000×30 : 67500×24
= 108 : 135 : 162
= 12 : 15 : 18 = 4 : 5 : 6
Let the unit digit is ‘y’ and ten’s digit is x.
Hence, ATQ-
10*x + y – (10*y+ x) = 54
or, x – y = 6 …(1)
and, x + y = 12 …(2)
from both eqn, we get
x = 9, y = 3
hence, Number = 10*9 + 3 = 93
Ruchika’s marks= 115
Meena’s marks= 115 – 20 = 95
vidushi’s marks= 95 + 65= 160
Arohi’s marks=160 – 35= 125
Richa’s marks= 125+ 67= 192
Total maximum marks= 192 + 108= 300
Required percentage marks of Richa = (192/300)×100 = 64%
(Abhinav + Bindra)’s 1 day’s work = (1/45)+(1/40)= 17/360
Work done by Bindra in 23 days= Remaining work = 23*(1/40) = 23/40
Now, work (17/40)part was done by both in =[(17/40)/(17/360)]= 9 days
hence, Abhinav left after 9 days.
payable amount by first way of discount= (85% of 75% of 75% of Rs. 30000)= Rs. 14343.75
payable amount by second way of discount= (90% of 90% of 55% of Rs. 30000)= Rs. 13365
Therefore, Saving=Rs. (14343.75- 13365)= Rs. 978.75.
Net price after two discounts= 80% of 90% of Rs. 20000= Rs. 14400.
Net Cost Price= (14400+ 10% of Rs.14400)= 14400+ 1440= 15840.
Therefore, Selling price= 110% of Rs. 15840= Rs. 17424.
Let the money lent to Shashank be Rs. x
Then, money lent to Abhishek = Rs. (40000–x)
SI for shashank = [(x * 20 * 3)/100] = 3x/5
SI for Abhishek = [{(40000 – x)*24*3}/100]= [(40000-x)*18]/25
According to the question,
3x/25 – (40000-x)*(18/25) = 1728
x = 36342.85 = 36343 approx.
Amount lent to abhishek= Rs.(40000–36343)= Rs.3657
Speed of the person = 9 km/hr
= 9*(5/18)= 5/2 m/s
Let the speed of train be x m/s
30 = 420/(x – 5/2)
x – 5/2 = 14
x = 33/2 m/s
Now the distance covered by train in 60 minutes.
= (33/2) * 60 * 60 = 59400
Time taken by person to cover the distance = 59400/(5/2) = 23760 sec
or, time taken = 23760/(60 * 60) = 6 hours 36 minutes

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