Friday, January 12, 2018

Quant Quiz

1. Sahiba spends 40% of her salary on food, 20% on house rent, and on entertainment and conveyance she spend in ratio 2:3. If her savings at the end of a month are Rs. 1000, then her monthly salary is

1. Rs. 5000
2. Rs. 7500
3. Rs. 8000
4. cannot be determined
5. None of the above
2. It costs Re. 1 to photocopy a sheet of paper. However, 2% discount is allowed on all photocopies done after first 1000 sheets. How much will it cost to copy 5000 sheets of paper?

1. Rs. 3920
2. Rs. 4830
3. Rs. 4900
4. Rs. 4930
5. None of the above
3. Saurabh sells 4/9th of his candies at 27% profit and rest at cost price. Find the overall profit% in the transaction if selling price of 1 candy is Rs.9 and total candies he have is 126?

1. 10%
2. 12%
3. 15%
4. 20%
5. None of the above

4. Sameer sells 1/3rd of his pencils at 36% profit. At what loss% he sells his remaining pencils so as to gain 10% profit overall?

1. 5%
2. 13%
3. 10%
4. 3%
5. None of the above

5.  In an election between two candidates, one got 45% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was:

1.    2600
2.    2700
3.    2900
4.    3000
5.    3300
6. While purchasing one item costing Rs.400, I had to pay the sales tax at 7% and on another costing Rs.6400; the sales tax was 9%. What percent of the sales tax I had to pay, taking the two items together on an average?

1. 8%
2. 8 (13/17) %
3. 8 (5/17) %
4. 8(1/2) %
5. None of these

7. A bottle contains 3/4 of milk and the rest water. How much of the mixture must be taken away and replaced by an equal quantity of water so that the mixture has half milk and half water?

1. 25%
2. 33 (1/3)%
3. 45%
4. 50%
5. None of these
8. 50 g of an alloy of gold and silver contains 80% gold (by weight). The quantity of gold, that is to be mixed up with this alloy, so that it may contain 95% gold, is

1. 200 g
2. 50 g
3. 150 g
4. 10 g
5. None of these
9. A house worth 1,50,000 is sold by X at a 5% profit to Y. Y sells the house back to X at a 2% loss. Then in the entire transaction?

1. X gain Rs. 4350
2. X loses Rs. 4530
3. X gain Rs. 3150
4. X loses Rs. 3150
5. None of these

1- (Ans- 4)
Solution  : The answer cannot be determined from the information given.
2- (Ans- 5)
Solution : None of the above

Total cost = Rs. [1*1000 + (100 – 2)% of 1 * 4000] 
=> Rs. (1000 + 0.98 x 4000) 
=> Rs. (1000 + 3920) => Rs. 4920.
3- (Ans- 2 )
Solution : 12%

4/9 candies at 27% profit and rest candies (i.e. 5/9) candies at CP (means profit = 0)
Overall Profit% = (4/9 * 27) + (5/9 * 0)
Overall profit% = 12%
4- (Ans- 4)
Solution : 3%
Let, he sells remaining pencils at x% loss.
(1/3 * 36) – (2/3 * x) = 10
12 – 2x/3 = 10
X = 3
5- (Ans- 5)
Solution : 3300

Number of valid votes = 80% of 7500 = 6000.
Valid votes polled by other candidate = 55% of 6000= [(55/100) x 6000] = 3300.
6- (Ans- 5 )
Solution : 8 (15/17)%

Total sales tax paid = 7% of Rs. 400 + 9% of Rs. 6400
Total sales tax paid = Rs. 604
Total cost of the items = Rs. (400 + 6400) = Rs. 6800.

Required Percentage = 604/6800 * 100 = 8 (15/17)%
7- (Ans- 2)
Solution : 33.33%

Water in original mixture = 1/4
Water in final mixture = 1/2 

Use Allegation :
1/4                    1
1/2               1/4 ———–>   Ratio becomes = 2:1
Quantity replaced = 1/3 or 33.33%


Let total mixture be = 40 lts
Milk = ¾ * 40 = 30 lts
Water = 10 lts
Let, replaced amount be = x
Milk:Water in original quantity = 3:1 ——–> Milk replaced = 3x/4
Milk becomes in final mixture = 30 – 3x/4 (this is equal to ½ of 40 lts)
30 – 3x/4 = 20 ——-> x = 40/3
Total replaced quantity = 40/3 lts
Percentage removed = (40/3) / 40 * 100 = 33.33%
8- (Ans- 3)
Solution : 150 gms

In 50 gms, Gold and Silver in the ratio = 80:20
So, Gold = 40 gms 
Silver = 10 gms
Let quantity of gold be mixed up be “x”
(40+x)/(50+x) = 95/100
X = 150 gms
9- (Ans- 3)
Solution : X gain Rs. 3150

Rs. 150000 x 105/100 = 157500 (X sells to Y at a profit of 5%)
Rs. 157500 x 98/100 = 154350 (Y resells to X at a loss of 2%)

X gains = Rs. 157500 – 154350 = Rs. 3150

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