Friday, January 5, 2018

Quant Quiz

Q1)-Walking ¾ of his speed, a person is 10 min late to his office. Find his usual time to cover the distance?
25 mintues
30 minutes
35 minutes
40 minutes
Ans.- B

Q2)-Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?
Ans.- A

Q3)-The speed of the boat in still water is 8 km/h. If it travels 12 km/h against the stream and 20 km/h along with the stream in the same time , what is the speed of the stream ?
10 km/h
2 km/h
4 km/h
7 km/h
Ans.- B

Q4)-In a 100 m race A runs at a speed of 1.66 m/s. If A gives a start of 4m to B and still beats him by 12 seconds. What is the speed of B ?
1 m/s
1.25 m/s
1.33 m/s
1.5 m/s
Ans.- C

Q5)-Ram walks at a speed of 12 km/h. Today the day was very hot so walked at ⅚ of his average speed. He arrived his school 10 minutes late. Find the usual time he takes to cover distance between his school and home ?
40 mins
50 mins
45 mins
60 mins
Ans.- C

Q6)-An aeroplane covers a certain distance of 420 Kmph in 6 hours. to cover the same distance in 4 2/3 hours, it Must travel at a speed of
580 Kmph
550 Kmph
540 Kmph
530 Kmph
Ans.- C

Q7)-A boy goes to school at a speed of 3 kmph and returns to the village at a speed of 2 kmph. If he takes 5 hrs in all, what is the distance between the village and the school?
3 km
4 km
5 km
6 km
Ans.- D

Q8)-Avinash covers a distance of 8km in 50 minutes. If he covers 3km distance in 2/5th of time then, What speed should he maintain to cover the remaining distance in the remaining time?
13 Kmph
14 Kmph
15 Kmph
11 Kmph
Ans.- C

Q9)-A train crosses a bridge of length 290 meters in 27 seconds. Find the length of the train if it runs at 90 km/h speed.
385 m
270 m
245 m
675 m
Ans.- A

Q10)-In a kilometer race, A beats B by 100 meters. B beats C by 100 meters. By how much meters does A beat C in the same race ?
200 meters
180 meters
210 meters
190 meters
Ans.- D

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