Monday, January 15, 2018

Quant Quiz

Q.1. The average age of five IT executives in a department is 28 years. If the age of their manager is added, the average age increases by one year. What is the age of the manager?
1) 33 yrs 
2) 34 yrs 
3) 35 yrs 
4) 36 yrs 
5) 38 yrs
Q.2. A person subscribing to Internet connection for one year pays Rs 1825. If the monthly subscription charge is Rs 180, how much (approximately) per cent discount does a yearly subscriber get?
1) 14.8% 
2) 15.5% 
3) 18% 
4) 16.5% 
5) 17.5%
Q.3. If one-fourth of Sunil’s salary is equal to one-fifth of Amar’s salary, and their total salary is Rs25200, find Amar’s salary?
1) Rs 11200 
2) Rs 10750 
3) Rs 12600 
4) Rs 13500 
5) None of these
Q.4. In an examination it is required to get 216 aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 162 marks and is declared failed by 10% marks. What is the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?
1) 620 
2) 600 
3) 580 
4) 560 
5) 540
Q.5. A hotel requires 126 kg of wheat for a week. How many kg of wheat will it require for 81 days?
1) 1468 kg 
2) 1358 kg 
3) 1350 kg 
4) 1458 kg 
5) 1450 kg
Q.6. What is the cost of painting a hall whose area is 862 sq metre, if the rate of painting per sq metreis Rs 22?
1) Rs 17664 
2) Rs 155564 
3) Rs 18624 
4) Rs 18964 
5) None of these
Q.7. Three persons get money in the ratio 2 : 2 : 5. If the total sum is Rs 133020, what is the maximum share which one person got?
1) Rs 14780 
2) Rs 73900 
3) Rs 63900 
4) Rs 83900 
5) None of these
Q.8. Ravi purchases 72 items at Rs 40 per item. He spends Rs 80 on transporting of those goods. What should be the selling price of the items if he has to gain 30% as profit?
1) Rs 3842 
2) Rs 3846 
3) Rs 4848 
4) Rs 3638 
5) None of these
Q.9. What would be the compound interest (in Rs) obtained on an amount of Rs 6000 at the rate of 8% p.a. after 2 years?
1) 894.4 
2) 994.4 
3) 998.4 
4) 694.4 
5) 884.4
Q.10. The product of two consecutive positive odd numbers is 6723. What is the smaller number?
1) 77 
2) 73 
3) 81 
4) 83 
5) 79

Q1 – 2
Q2 – 2
Q3 – 5
Q4 – 5
Q5 – 4
Q6 – 4
Q7 – 2
Q8 – 5
Q9 – 3
Q10 – 3

Explanations : 
Q1 – 2
Let age of manager = x
Average age of 5 executives = 28
So, total age of 5 executives = 28*5 = 140
140+x = 29*6
x = 34 yrs
Q2 – 2
Price for one year = rs. 1825
when pays monthly, actual price for 1 yr = 180*12 = 2160
Discount = 2160-1825 = 335
Discount percent = 335/2160 * 100 = 15.5%
Q3 – 5
Let Sunil salary = S
Amar’s salary = A
1/4*S = 1/5*A
S:A = 4:5

Amar’s salary = 25200/9 * 5 = Rs.14000
Q4 – 5
Student required marks to pass = 216
He gets = 162
Marks less than passing marks = 216-162 = 54 marks
10% of total marks = 54
Total marks = 54/10 * 100 = 540 marks
Q5 – 4
for 7 days it requires = 126kg
For 81 days it will require = 126/7 * 81 == 1458 Kg
Q6 – 4
For 1 sq metre, rate is = Rs.22
For 862 sq. meter, rate will be = 22*862 = Rs.18964
Q7 – 2
Maximum share which one person got = 133020/(2+2+5) * 5 = Rs. 73900
Q8 – 5
CP of 40 items = 72*40 = Rs.2880
Total CP of 40 items = 2880+80 = Rs.Rs.2960
Gain = 30%
SP = 2960*1.3 = Rs.3848
Q9 – 3
Apply tree rule :
CI fro 2 yrs = Rs.998.4
Q10 – 3
Closest number whose square is closest to 6723 = 82 (square is 6724)
So.. 6723 is a multiple of 81 and 83.

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